Function Send-EAMMailMessage { <# .DESCRIPTION This function sends an email message using the Microsoft Graph API. .SYNOPSIS This function sends an email message using the Microsoft Graph API. .PARAMETER To Specifies the recipient(s) of the email message. .PARAMETER Subject Specifies the subject of the email message. .PARAMETER Body Specifies the body of the email message. .PARAMETER From Specifies the sender of the email message. .PARAMETER Cc Specifies the carbon copy recipient(s) of the email message. .PARAMETER Bcc Specifies the blind carbon copy recipient(s) of the email message. .PARAMETER Attachments Specifies the attachment(s) of the email message. .PARAMETER Importance Specifies the importance of the email message. .PARAMETER SaveToSentItems Specifies whether to save the email message to the sent items folder. .EXAMPLE Send-EAMMailMessage -To "" -From "" -Subject "Test" -Body "This is a test" .EXAMPLE Send-EAMMailMessage -To "" -From "" -Subject "Test" -Body "This is a test" -Attachments "C:\Temp\test.txt" .INPUTS .INPUTS System.String System.String[] System.IO.FileInfo System.Boolean .OUTPUTS #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias("Recipient")] [string[]]$To, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Subject, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias("EmailBody")] [string]$Body, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [Alias("Sender")] [string]$From, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$Cc, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$Bcc, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [[]]$Attachments, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateSet("Low", "Normal", "High")] [string]$Importance = "Normal", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [bool]$SaveToSentItems = $true ) Begin { # Get the Microsoft Graph endpoint, if not already set If (!$script:graph_endpoint) { $script:graph_endpoint = Get-EAMGraphEndpoint } # Creating parent message hash table $mail_message = @{} $mail_message["message"] = "" $mail_message["saveToSentItems"] = $saveToSentItems # Creating message hash table $message = @{} $message["subject"] = $subject $message["body"] = @{} $message["body"]["contentType"] = "HTML" $message["body"]["content"] = $body $message["importance"] = $importance # Creating recipient table $recipient_table = @{} $recipient_table["to"] = "toRecipients" $recipient_table["cc"] = "ccRecipients" $recipient_table["bcc"] = "bccRecipients" Try { # Setting recipients foreach ($recipient_type in $recipient_table.Keys) { If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($recipient_type)) { # Setting recipients $message[$recipient_table[$recipient_type]] = @(Set-EAMRecipientArray -Recipients $PSBoundParameters[$recipient_type]) } } # Setting attachments If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey("Attachments")) { $message["attachments"] = @(Set-EAMAttachmentArray -Attachments $attachments) } } Catch { Write-Error $_ -ErrorAction Stop } # Setting the message key $mail_message["message"] = $message # Setting the Invoke-MgGraphRequest parameters $invoke_graph_params = @{} $invoke_graph_params["Uri"] = "$($script:graph_endpoint)/v1.0/users/$from/sendMail" $invoke_graph_params["Method"] = "Post" $invoke_graph_params["Body"] = $mail_message | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 $invoke_graph_params["ContentType"] = "application/json" $invoke_graph_params["OutputType"] = "PSObject" } Process { Try { # Sending the message Invoke-MgGraphRequest @invoke_graph_params } Catch { Write-Error $_ } } End { } } |