Function New-EAMAuthenticationObject { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a new object for the EAM Authentication Report .DESCRIPTION This function creates a new object for the EAM Authentication Report. .PARAMETER User The user object to add to the report. .PARAMETER ReportHeaders The headers to add to the report. .EXAMPLE New-EAMAuthenticationObject -User $user -ReportHeaders $reportHeaders .INPUTS System.String System.String[] .OUTPUTS System.Object #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([pscustomobject])] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$User, [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [string[]]$ReportHeaders = @( "User", "PRMFAStatus", "EmailAuthentication", "Fido2", "Certificate", "AuthenticatorApp", #"PasswordAuthentication", "PhoneAuthentication", "Passwordless", "SoftwareOath", "TemporaryAccessPass", "WindowsHelloForBusiness" ) ) Begin { Write-Debug "Creating new auth object for user: $User" # Create a new object $obj = [ordered] @{} } Process { # Add the user to the object $obj["User"] = $user # Set the PRMFAStatus to Disabled $obj["PRMFAStatus"] = "Disabled" Write-Debug "Object after setting User:" Write-Debug "$($obj | Format-List | Out-String)" # Add the report headers to the object Foreach ($header in $reportHeaders) { if ($header -notin @("User","PRMFAStatus")) { $obj[$header] = $false # Set the value to false as the default, it will be updated in the Get-EAMUserAuthenticationState function } } } End { Write-Debug "Final object:" Write-Debug "$($obj | Format-List | Out-String)" # Return the object [pscustomobject]$obj } } |