Function Get-EAMTenantInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the current tenant information from Microsoft Graph. .DESCRIPTION This function retrieves the organization details for the current tenant using Microsoft Graph API. .OUTPUTS System.Object #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([System.Object])] param() # Get the Microsoft Graph endpoint, if not already set If (!$script:graph_endpoint) { $script:graph_endpoint = Get-EAMGraphEndpoint } # Invoke-MgGraphRequest parameters $invoke_mg_params = @{} $invoke_mg_params["Uri"] = "$script:graph_endpoint/v1.0/organization" $invoke_mg_params["Method"] = "GET" $invoke_mg_params["OutputType"] = "PSObject" $invoke_mg_params["ErrorAction"] = "Stop" try { # Get the tenant information $tenant = Invoke-MgGraphRequest @invoke_mg_params $tenant.Value } catch { Write-Warning "Failed to retrieve tenant information: $_" $null } } |