@{ # Module metadata ModuleVersion = "0.1.0" GUID = "49bc84ab-afe2-4659-9ff4-ca536efb6006" Author = "Gabriel Delaney - gdelaney@phzconsulting.com | https://github.com/thetolkienblackguy" CompanyName = "Phoenix Horizons LLC" Copyright = "(c) Phoenix Horizons LLC. All rights reserved." Description = "PowerShell module for gathering authentication metrics from Entra ID." # Supported PowerShell editions PowerShellVersion = "5.1" CompatiblePSEditions = @("Desktop", "Core") # Dependencies RequiredModules = @("Microsoft.Graph.Authentication") # Module file paths RootModule = "EntraAuthenticationMetrics.psm1" FunctionsToExport = @( "Invoke-EAMDashboardCreation","Send-EAMMailMessage", "New-EAMAuthenticationReport","New-EAMDashboard" ) CmdletsToExport = @() VariablesToExport = "*" AliasesToExport = "*" # Private Data PrivateData = @{ PSData = @{ Tags = @("AzureAD","EntraID","Authentication","Metrics") LicenseUri = "https://github.com/thetolkienblackguy/EntraAuthenticationMetrics/blob/main/LICENSE" ProjectUri = "https://github.com/thetolkienblackguy/EntraAuthenticationMetrics" ReleaseNotes = "Optimized reporting when using -GroupId as the parameter. Previously the tool would query the members endpoint for the group then pipe the results to the Get-EAMUser function. Now it selects the needed properties from the members endpoint. Which substantially improves performance. Added support for all graph environments." } } } |