Function Invoke-EAMWriteProgress { <# .SYNOPSIS Writes a progress bar to the console. .DESCRIPTION This function writes a progress bar to the console. This is a wrapper around the Write-Progress cmdlet. .PARAMETER Interation The current iteration of the process. .PARAMETER Total The total number of iterations of the process. .PARAMETER Item The item being processed. .INPUTS System.Int32 System.String .OUTPUTS System.Void #> param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int]$Iteration, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int]$Total, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Item ) # Calculate the percentage complete $percent_complete = ($iteration / $total) * 100 # Write-Progress parameters $write_progress_params = @{} $write_progress_params["Activity"] = "Retrieving authentication methods for user $item" $write_progress_params["Status"] = "Processing $iteration of $total" $write_progress_params["PercentComplete"] = $percent_complete # Write the progress Write-Progress @write_progress_params } |