
Function Invoke-EAMWriteProgress {
        Writes a progress bar to the console.
        This function writes a progress bar to the console. This is a wrapper around the Write-Progress cmdlet.
        .PARAMETER Interation
        The current iteration of the process.
        .PARAMETER Total
        The total number of iterations of the process.
        .PARAMETER Item
        The item being processed.

    param (

    # Calculate the percentage complete
    $percent_complete = ($iteration / $total) * 100
    # Write-Progress parameters
    $write_progress_params = @{}
    $write_progress_params["Activity"] = "Retrieving authentication methods for user $item"
    $write_progress_params["Status"] = "Processing $iteration of $total"
    $write_progress_params["PercentComplete"] = $percent_complete
    # Write the progress
    Write-Progress @write_progress_params
