
Function Get-EAMUserAuthenticationMethods {
        This function retrieves the authentication methods for a user.
        This function retrieves the authentication methods for a user.
        .PARAMETER UserId
        The user ID of the user whose information is to be retrieved.
        .PARAMETER ApiVersion
        The API version to use.
        Get-EAMUser -UserId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" | Get-EAMUserAuthenticationMethods
        Get-EAMUserAuthenticationMethods -UserId "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012"

    Param (
        [string]$ApiVersion = "v1.0"
    Begin {
        # Set the default parameter values
        $PSDefaultParameterValues = @{}
        $PSDefaultParameterValues["Add-Member:MemberType"] = "NoteProperty"
        $PSDefaultParameterValues["Add-Member:Force"] = $true
    } Process {
        # Invoke-MgEAMRequest parameters
        $invoke_mg_params = @{}
        $invoke_mg_params["Uri"] = "$apiVersion/users/$userId/authentication/methods"
        $invoke_mg_params["Method"] = "GET"
        $invoke_mg_params["Headers"] = @{}
        $invoke_mg_params["Headers"]["ConsistencyLevel"] = "eventual"
        $invoke_mg_params["OutputType"] = "PSObject"

        Try {
            # Invoke-MgEAMRequest
            $r = (Invoke-MgGraphRequest @invoke_mg_params)
            # Add the AuthenticationMethod property to the results
            $auth_method_objs = $r.value
            $auth_method_objs | Add-Member -Name "authenticationMethod" -Value ""
            Foreach ($auth_method_obj in $auth_method_objs ) {
                $auth_method_obj.authenticationMethod = [GraphAuthenticationMethodInfo]::GetFriendlyName($auth_method_obj."@odata.type")

        } Catch {
            # Return the error
            Write-Error -Message $_

        # Return the results
        [pscustomobject]$auth_method_objs | Where-Object { 
            $_.authenticationMethod -ne "PasswordAuthentication" 
    } End {