function Export-AssignmentNode { [CmdletBinding()] param ( $TreeNode, $AssignmentNode, [string[]] $PropertyNames ) $remainingPropertyNames = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() foreach ($propertyName in $PropertyNames) { if ($TreeNode.ContainsKey($propertyName)) { $propertyValue = $TreeNode.$propertyName switch ($propertyName) { parameters { if ($null -ne $propertyValue -and $propertyValue.psbase.Count -gt 0) { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("parameters", $propertyValue) } break } overrides { if ($null -ne $propertyValue) { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("overrides", $propertyValue) } break } resourceSelectors { if ($null -ne $propertyValue) { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("resourceSelectors", $propertyValue) } break } enforcementMode { if ($null -ne $propertyValue -and $propertyValue -ne "Default") { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("enforcementMode", $propertyValue) } break } nonComplianceMessages { if ($null -ne $propertyValue -and $propertyValue.Count -gt 0) { if ($AssignmentNode.nodeName -eq "/root") { # special case for nonComplianceMessages $assignmentDefinitionEntry = $AssignmentNode.definitionEntry $null = $assignmentDefinitionEntry.Add("nonComplianceMessages", $propertyValue) } else { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("nonComplianceMessages", $propertyValue) } } break } metadata { if ($null -ne $propertyValue -and $propertyValue.psbase.Count -gt 0) { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("metadata", $propertyValue) } break } assignmentNameEx { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("assignment", [ordered]@{ name = $ displayName = $propertyValue.displayName description = $propertyValue.description } ) break } additionalRoleAssignments { $additionalRoleAssignmentsEntry = [ordered]@{} foreach ($selector in $propertyValue.Keys) { $additionalRoleAssignments = $propertyValue.$selector if ($null -ne $additionalRoleAssignments -and $additionalRoleAssignments.Count -gt 0) { $additionalRoleAssignmentsEntry[$selector] = $additionalRoleAssignments } } if ($additionalRoleAssignmentsEntry.Count -gt 0) { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("additionalRoleAssignments", $additionalRoleAssignmentsEntry) } break } identityEntry { $locationEntry = [ordered]@{} $userAssigned = [ordered]@{} foreach ($selector in $propertyValue.Keys) { $value = $propertyValue.$selector if ($null -ne $value) { $location = $value.location if ($null -ne $location) { $locationEntry[$selector] = $location } $userAssignedValue = $value.userAssigned if ($null -ne $userAssignedValue) { $userAssigned[$selector] = $userAssignedValue } } } if ($locationEntry.Count -gt 0) { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("managedIdentityLocations", $locationEntry) } if ($userAssigned.Count -gt 0) { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("userAssignedIdentity", $userAssigned) } break } notScopes { $notScopesValue = [ordered]@{} foreach ($selector in $propertyValue.Keys) { $notScopes = $propertyValue.$selector if ($null -ne $notScopes -and $notScopes.Count -gt 0) { $notScopesValue[$selector] = $notScopes } } if ($notScopesValue.Count -gt 0) { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("notScopes", $notScopesValue) } break } scopes { $scopeValue = [ordered]@{} foreach ($selector in $propertyValue.Keys) { $scopes = $propertyValue.$selector if ($null -ne $scopes -and $scopes.Count -gt 0) { $scopeValue[$selector] = $scopes } } if ($scopeValue.Count -gt 0) { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("scope", $scopeValue) } break } definitionVersion { if ($null -ne $propertyValue) { $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("definitionVersion", $propertyValue) } break } } } else { $null = $remainingPropertyNames.Add($propertyName) } } if ($remainingPropertyNames.Count -gt 0) { $remainingPropertyNames = $remainingPropertyNames.ToArray() $children = $TreeNode.children $count = $children.Count if ($count -eq 1) { # an only child, collapse tree $child = $children[0] Export-AssignmentNode ` -TreeNode $child ` -AssignmentNode $AssignmentNode ` -PropertyNames $remainingPropertyNames } elseif ($count -gt 1) { # multiple siblings, create a children entry and iterate through the children $newAssignmentNodeChildren = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new() $i = 0 foreach ($child in $children) { $newAssignmentNode = [ordered]@{ nodeName = "/child-$i" } $null = $newAssignmentNodeChildren.Add($newAssignmentNode) Export-AssignmentNode ` -TreeNode $child ` -AssignmentNode $newAssignmentNode ` -PropertyNames $remainingPropertyNames $i++ } $null = $AssignmentNode.Add("children", $newAssignmentNodeChildren.ToArray()) } } } |