$SkipBuildModuleVersionCheck = $false $SkipPrAutoflowVersionCheck = $false $SkipPrAutoflowEnrollmentCheck = $false # Synopsis: Allows build properties to be overriden by environment variables task ApplyEnvironmentVariableOverrides { # dot-source the function to load into the same scope as # the InvokeBuild process, otherwise as a module function it # won't havea ccess to any of the variables it needs to update . $PSScriptRoot/../functions/_Set-VariableFromEnvVar.ps1 $buildEnvVars = Get-ChildItem env:BUILDVAR_* foreach ($buildEnvVar in $buildEnvVars) { # strip the 'BUILDVAR_' prefix to leave the variable name to be overridden $varName = $buildEnvVar.Name -replace "^BUILDVAR_","" $res = Set-VariableFromEnvVar -VariableName $varName -EnvironmentVariableName $buildEnvVar.Name if ($res) { Write-Build Yellow "Overriding '$varName' from environment variable [Value=$((Get-Item variable:/$varName).Value)] [Type=$((Get-Item variable:/$varName).Value.GetType().Name)]" } } } task CheckLatestVersion -If { !$SkipBuildModuleVersionCheck } { $currentVersion = (get-module Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build).Version [version]$latestVersion = (Find-Module Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build -Repository PSGallery).Version if ($currentVersion -lt $latestVersion) { $msg = @" A newer Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build version is available: $latestVersion An overnight CodeOps process should automatically update this, alternatively, you can manually update by changing the default value of the '`$BuildModuleVersion' parameter in this build script to be '$latestVersion' "@ Write-Warning $msg } else { Write-Build Green "Build tooling is up-to-date" } } task CheckPrAutoflowVersion -If { !$SkipPrAutoflowVersionCheck -and $script:repoIsEnrolledWithPrAutoflow } EnsureGitHubCli,{ $sourceRepo = "endjin/endjin-codeops" $sourceRepoPath = "repo-level-processes/pr-autoflow/workflow-templates" $workflowsToCheck = @( "auto_release.yml" "dependabot_approve_and_label.yml" ) $allWorkflowsUpToDate = $true foreach ($workflow in $workflowsToCheck) { $resp = $null exec { & gh api "repos/$sourceRepo/contents/$sourceRepoPath/$workflow" } | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100 | Tee-Object -Variable resp $latestWorkflow = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String(($resp).content)) if ($IsWindows) { # Convert the linux line-endings so we can compare it to our local file $latestWorkflow = $latestWorkflow -replace "`n","`r`n" } $currentWorkflow = Get-Content -Raw $here/.github/workflows/$workflow if (Compare-Object $latestWorkflow $currentWorkflow -CaseSensitive) { $allWorkflowsUpToDate = $false Write-Warning "Out-dated workflow: $workflow" } } if ($allWorkflowsUpToDate) { Write-Build Green "All 'pr-autoflow' workflows are up-to-date" } else { Write-Warning "Out-of-date workflows can be updated (for all repos) by triggering this workflow: https://github.com/endjin/endjin-codeops/actions/workflows/deploy_pr_autoflow.yml" } } task CheckPrAutoflowEnrollment -If { !$SkipPrAutoflowEnrollmentCheck } EnsureGitHubCli,{ # Ensure the YAML parsing module is installed if (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable powershell-yaml)) { Write-Host "Installing required module: powershell-yaml" Install-Module powershell-yaml -Scope CurrentUser -Force -Repository PSGallery -RequiredVersion 0.4.7 } # Workaround for powershell-yaml bug whereby it overwrites the '$here' variable in the calling scope $here_backup = $here Import-Module powershell-yaml $script:here = $here_backup # TODO: This needs to be abstracted as OSS users will need to be able to specify their own repo $sourceRepo = "endjin/endjin-codeops" $sourceRepoPath = "repo-level-processes/config/live" $repoDetails = $null exec { gh repo view --json owner,name } | ConvertFrom-Json | Tee-Object -Variable repoDetails $orgName = $repoDetails.owner.login $repoName = $repoDetails.name $resp = $null exec { & gh api "repos/$sourceRepo/contents/$sourceRepoPath/$orgName.yml" } | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 100 | Tee-Object -Variable resp $config = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String(($resp).content)) $enrollment = $config | ConvertFrom-Yaml | ? { $repoName -in $_.repos.name -and $_.repos.ContainsKey("prAutoflowSettings") } $script:repoIsEnrolledWithPrAutoflow = $enrollment -ne $null if (!$repoIsEnrolledWithPrAutoflow) { Write-Warning "Repository not enrolled with 'pr-autoflow' - refer to https://github.com/endjin/endjin-codeops/blob/main/README.md#enrollment for how to enroll this repository." } else { Write-Build Green "Repository is enrolled with 'pr-autoflow'" } } task EnsureGitHubCli { if (!(Get-Command gh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { throw "The GitHub CLI is required - please install as per: https://github.com/cli/cli#installation" } # Test whether GitHub CLI is logged-in & gh repo view endjin/Endjin.RecommendedPractices.Build if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 4) { throw "You must be logged-in to GitHub CLI to run this build. Please run 'gh auth login' to login and then re-run the build." } } task RunChecks -If { !$IsRunningOnBuildServer } CheckLatestVersion,CheckPrAutoflowEnrollment,CheckPrAutoflowVersion |