# Control flags $EnableCoverage = $true # Options $ReportGeneratorToolVersion = "4.8.3" # Synopsis: Run .NET solution tests task RunTests -If {$SolutionToBuild} { exec { dotnet test $SolutionToBuild ` --configuration $Configuration ` --no-build ` --no-restore ` /p:CollectCoverage="$EnableCoverage" ` /p:CoverletOutputFormat=cobertura ` /p:ExcludeByFile="$($ExcludeFilesFromCodeCoverage.Replace(",","%2C"))" ` --verbosity $LogLevel } } # Synopsis: Generate test report file task GenerateTestReport { Install-DotNetTool -Name "dotnet-reportgenerator-globaltool" -Version $ReportGeneratorToolVersion exec { reportgenerator "-reports:$SourcesDir/**/**/coverage.cobertura.xml" ` "-targetdir:$CoverageDir" ` "-reporttypes:$TestReportTypes" } } # Synopsis: Runs all the available Pester tests task RunPesterTests -If {!$SkipPesterTests -and $PesterTestsDir} { [array]$existingModule = Get-Module -ListAvailable Pester if (!$existingModule -or ($existingModule.Version -notcontains $pesterVer)) { Install-Module Pester -RequiredVersion $pesterVer -Force -Scope CurrentUser -SkipPublisherCheck } Import-Module Pester if (!$PesterOutputFormat) { $PesterOutputFormat = "NUnitXml" } if (!$PesterOutputFilePath) { $PesterOutputFilePath = "_buildOutputs/PesterTestResults.xml" } $results = Invoke-Pester -Path $PesterTestsDir ` -OutputFormat $PesterOutputFormat ` -OutputFile $PesterOutputFilePath ` -PassThru ` -Show Summary,Fails if ($results.FailedCount -gt 0) { throw ("{0} out of {1} tests failed - check previous logging for more details" -f $results.FailedCount, $results.TotalCount) } } |