function Update-Repo { param ( [string] $OrgName, [string] $RepoName, [string] $BranchName, [scriptblock] $RepoChanges, [switch] $WhatIf, [string] $CommitMessage, [string] $PrTitle, [string] $PrBody = " ", [string[]] $PrLabels ) $RepoUrl = "$OrgName/$($RepoName).git" # Handle GitHub authentication based on whether running in GitHub Actions workflow or not if ( [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:GITHUB_TOKEN) -and (Test-Path env:\GITHUB_WORKFLOW) ) { Write-Error "The environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN is not set" exit } elseif ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($env:GITHUB_TOKEN)) { Write-Host "GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable not present - triggering interactive login..." gh auth login $ghConfig = Get-Content ~/.config/gh/hosts.yml -Raw | ConvertFrom-Yaml $env:GITHUB_TOKEN = $ghConfig."".oauth_token } if ('no_release' -in $PrLabels) { Write-Host "Checking for 'no_release' label" $resp = Assert-GitHubLabel -OrgName $OrgName ` -RepoName $RepoName ` -Name 'no_release' ` -Description 'Suppresses auto_release functionality' ` -Color '27e8b4' ` -Verbose:$False } $tempDir = New-TemporaryDirectory Push-Location $tempDir.FullName try { Write-Host "Created temporary directory: $($tempDir.FullName)" Write-Host "Cloning: $RepoUrl" git clone $RepoUrl . if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "git cli returned non-zero exit code cloning the repo - check previous log messages" } # Check whether the branch already exists on the remote if ( $(git ls-remote --heads $RepoUrl $BranchName) ) { Write-Host "Checking-out existing branch: $BranchName" git checkout $BranchName if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "git cli returned non-zero exit code checking out existing branch - check previous log messages" } Write-Host "Syncing branch with master" git merge master if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "git cli returned non-zero exit code rebasing against master - check previous log messages" } } else { Write-Host "Creating new branch: $BranchName" git checkout -b $BranchName if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "git cli returned non-zero exit code checking out new branch - check previous log messages" } } $isUpdated = $RepoChanges.Invoke() if ($isUpdated) { if (!$WhatIf) { Write-Host "Committing changes" -f green git add . if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "git cli returned non-zero exit code staging files ('$LASTEXITCODE') - check previous log messages" } $noChanges = $false $output = git commit -m $CommitMessage if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { if ($output -match 'nothing to commit') { $noChanges = $true Write-Host "git detected no changes - skipping update" # reset $LASTEXITCODE to avoid subsequent mis-interpretation $LASTEXITCODE = 0 } else { throw "git cli returned non-zero exit code committing changes ('$LASTEXITCODE'):`n$output" } } if ( -not $noChanges ) { Write-Host "Pushing branch" git push -u origin $BranchName if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { Write-Error "git cli returned non-zero exit code when pushing branch ('$LASTEXITCODE') - check logs" } # Check whether this branch already has an open PR (i.e. where pr-autoflow isn't installed or after a previous failure) $existingPr = Test-GitHubPrByBranchName -OrgName $OrgName ` -RepoName $RepoName ` -BranchName $BranchName if (!$existingPr) { Write-Host "Opening new PR" $ghPrArgs = @("pr", "create", "--title", $PrTitle, "--body", $PrBody) if ($PrLabels) { $ghPrArgs += @("--label", $PrLabels) } gh @ghPrArgs if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) { throw "github cli returned non-zero exit code - check previous log messages" } } else { Write-Host "Existing PR will be updated" } } } else { Write-Host "What if: Would have committed changes and created new PR" -f cyan } } else { Write-Host "Repo was unchanged" -f green } } finally { Pop-Location Write-Verbose "Deleting temporary directory: $($tempDir.FullName)" Remove-Item $tempDir -Recurse -Force } } |