
Function Convert-SecureToPlaintext {

    Converts a string that has been encrypted by this modules back to plaintext
    This function converts an encrypted string back to plaintext. It uses a secure string and a salt keyfile to make this happen.
    The string you want to decrypt
    Convert-SecureToPlaintext -String $str
    $str | Convert-SecureToPlaintext
    Encrypted String
    Decrypted String

        #,[Parameter(Mandatory=$false)][String]$KeyfilePath = ".\aes.key"

    Begin {

        # Use the default keyfile, if not loaded yet
        If ( $null -eq $Script:keyfile ) {
            $Script:keyfile = $Script:defaultKeyfile

        # Give a hint the file needs to be loaded
        If ( (Test-Path -Path $Script:keyfile) -eq $false ) {
            Write-Error -Message "The keyfile does not exists, please define a valid path with 'Load-Keyfile'"


    Process {

        $return = ""

        # generate salt
        $salt = Get-Content -Path $Script:keyfile -Encoding UTF8

        Try {
            $stringSecure = ConvertTo-SecureString -String $String -Key $salt
            $return = (New-Object PSCredential "dummy",$stringSecure).GetNetworkCredential().Password
        } Catch {
            Write-Error "Decryption failed, maybe the keyfile was exchanged or you copied the files to another machine?"

        return $return


    End {

