.SYNOPSIS Sort a collection of files from the pipeline in natural order .DESCRIPTION Sorts filenames in an order that makes sense to humans; ie 1 is followed by 2 and not 10. .PARAMETER $Pipeline collection of files from pipeline to be sorted .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Get-SortedFolderNatural 'E:\Uni\audio' PS C:\> gci E:\Uni\audio | Get-SortedFilesNatural .NOTES Author: Plastikfan #> function get-SortedFilesNatural { [Alias("SortFilesNatural")] param ( [parameter( Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [System.Object[]]$Pipeline ) begin { $files = @() } process { foreach ($item in $Pipeline) { $files += $item } } end { $files | Sort-Object { [regex]::Replace($_.Name, '\d+', { $args[0].Value.PadLeft(20) }) } } } |