function Write-InColour { <# .NAME Write-InColour .SYNOPSIS Writes a multiple snippets of a line in colour with the provided text, foreground & background colours. .DESCRIPTION The user passes in an array of 1,2 or 3 element arrays, which contains any number of text fragments with an optional colour specification (ConsoleColor enumeration). The function will then write a multi coloured text line to the console. Element 0: text Element 1: foreground colour Element 2: background colour If the background colour is required, then the foreground colour must also be specified. Write-InColour -colouredTextLine @( ("some text", "Blue"), ("some more text", "Red", "White") ) Write-InColour -colouredTextLine @( ("some text", "Blue"), ("some more text", "Red") ) Write-InColour -colouredTextLine @( ("some text", "Blue"), ("some more text") ) If you only need to write a single element, use an extra , preceding the array eg: Write-InColour -colouredTextLine @( ,@("some text", "Blue") ) Empty snippets, should not be passed in, it's up to the caller to ensure that this is the case. If an empty snippet is found an ugly warning message is emitted, so this should not go un-noticed. .PARAMETER TextSnippets An array of an array of strings (see description). .PARAMETER NoNewLine Switch to indicate if a new line should be written after the text. #> # This function is supposed to write to the host, because the output is in colour. # Using Write-Host is Krayola's raison d'etre! # [Alias('Write-InColor')] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingWriteHost', '')] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[][]] $TextSnippets, [Switch]$NoNewLine ) foreach ($snippet in $TextSnippets) { if ($snippet.Length -eq 0) { Write-Warning ' * Found malformed line (empty snippet entry), skipping * '; continue; } if ($snippet.Length -eq 1) { Write-Warning " * No colour specified for snippet '$($snippet[0])', skipping * "; continue; } if ($null -eq $snippet[0]) { Write-Warning ' * Found empty snippet text, skipping *'; continue; } if ($snippet.Length -eq 2) { if ($null -eq $snippet[1]) { Write-Warning " * Foreground col is null, for snippet: '$($snippet[0])', skipping * "; continue; } # Foreground colour specified # Write-Host $snippet[0] -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $snippet[1]; } else { # Foreground and background colours specified # Write-Host $snippet[0] -NoNewline -ForegroundColor $snippet[1] -BackgroundColor $snippet[2]; if ($snippet.Length -gt 3) { Write-Warning " * Excess entries found for snippet: '$($snippet[0])' * "; } } } if (-not ($NoNewLine.ToBool())) { Write-Host ''; } } |