[int]$MandatoryNoOfThemeEntries = 11; function Write-ThemedPairsInColour { <# .NAME Write-ThemedPairsInColour .SYNOPSIS Writes a collection of key/value pairs in colour according to a specified Theme. .DESCRIPTION The Pairs defined here are colour-less, instead colours coming from the KEY-COLOURS and VALUE-COLOURS in the theme. The implications of this are firstly, the Pairs are simpler to specify. However, the colour representation is more restricted, becauuse all Keys displayed must be of the same colour and the same goes for the values. When using Write-RawPairsInColour directly, the user has to specify each element of a pair with 2 or 3 items; text, foreground colour & background colour, eg: @(@("Sport", "Red"), @("Tennis", "Blue", "Yellow")) Now, each pair is specified as a simply a pair of strings: @("Sport", "Tennis") The purpose of this function is to generate a single call to Write-RawPairsInColour in the form: $PairsToWriteInColour = @( @(@("Sport", "Red"), @("Tennis", "Blue", "Yellow")), @(@("Star", "Green"), @("Martina Hingis", "Cyan")) ); Write-RawPairsInColour -Message ">>> Greetings" -MessageColours @("Magenta") ` -Pairs $PairsToWriteInColour -Format "'<%KEY%>'<--->'<%VALUE%>'" ` -MetaColours @(,"Blue") -Open " ••• <<" -Close ">> •••" You can create your own theme, using this template for assistance: $YourTheme = @{ "FORMAT" = "'<%KEY%>' = '<%VALUE%>'"; "KEY-PLACE-HOLDER" = "<%KEY%>"; "VALUE-PLACE-HOLDER" = "<%VALUE%>"; "KEY-COLOURS" = @("Red"); "VALUE-COLOURS" = @("Magenta"); "OPEN" = "("; "CLOSE" = ")"; "SEPARATOR" = ", "; "META-COLOURS" = @("Blue"); "MESSAGE-COLOURS" = @("Green"); "MESSAGE-SUFFIX" = " // " } .PARAMETER Pairs A 2 dimesional array representing the key/value pairs to be rendered. .PARAMETER Theme Hastable that must contain all the following fields FORMAT KEY-PLACE-HOLDER VALUE-PLACE-HOLDER KEY-COLOURS VALUE-COLOURS OPEN CLOSE SEPARATOR META-COLOURS MESSAGE-COLOURS MESSAGE-SUFFIX .PARAMETER Message An optional message that precedes the display of the Key/Value sequence. #> # Invoke-Expression is usually discouraged because of vulnerability to un-checked # user defined input. In this instance, there is no unchecked user input so # there is no cause for concern. # [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression", "")] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseBOMForUnicodeEncodedFile", "")] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string[][]] $Pairs, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.Collections.Hashtable] $Theme, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)] [string] $Message ) [boolean]$inEmergency = $false; function isThemeValid { param( [System.Collections.Hashtable]$themeToValidate ) return ($themeToValidate -and ($themeToValidate.Count -eq $MandatoryNoOfThemeEntries)) } if (-not(isThemeValid($Theme))) { $Theme = $KrayolaThemes["EMERGENCY-THEME"]; # Incase the user has compromised the EMERGENCY theme, which should be modifyable (because we # can't be sure that the emergency theme we have defined is suitable for their console), # we'll use this internal emergency theme ... # if (-not(isThemeValid($Theme))) { $Theme = @{ "FORMAT" = "{{<%KEY%>}}={{<%VALUE%>}}"; "KEY-PLACE-HOLDER" = "<%KEY%>"; "VALUE-PLACE-HOLDER" = "<%VALUE%>"; "KEY-COLOURS" = @("White"); "VALUE-COLOURS" = @("DarkGray"); "OPEN" = "{"; "CLOSE" = "}"; "SEPARATOR" = "; "; "META-COLOURS" = @("Black"); "MESSAGE-COLOURS" = @("Gray"); "MESSAGE-SUFFIX" = " ֎ " } } $inEmergency = $true; } [string[][][]] $PairsToWriteInColour = @(); # Construct the pairs # [string[]]$keyColours = $Theme["KEY-COLOURS"]; [string[]]$valueColours = $Theme["VALUE-COLOURS"]; foreach ($pair in $Pairs) { if ($pair.Length -ne 2) { Write-Error -ErrorAction Stop "Found pair that does not contain 2 items (pair: $($pair))"; } [string[]]$transfomedKey = @($pair[0]) + $keyColours; [string[]]$transfomedValue = @($pair[1]) + $valueColours; $transformedPair = , @($transfomedKey, $transfomedValue); $PairsToWriteInColour += $transformedPair; } [string]$expression = 'Write-RawPairsInColour -Pairs $PairsToWriteInColour ` -Format $Theme["FORMAT"] ` -KeyPlaceHolder $Theme["KEY-PLACE-HOLDER"] ` -ValuePlaceHolder $Theme["VALUE-PLACE-HOLDER"] ` -Open $Theme["OPEN"] ` -Close $Theme["CLOSE"] ` -Separator $Theme["SEPARATOR"] ` -MetaColours $Theme["META-COLOURS"]'; [string]$messageExpression = ""; # Finally do the invoke # if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Message)) { if ($inEmergency) { $Message = 'ϞϞϞ '; $messageExpression = ' -Message $Message -MessageColours $Theme["MESSAGE-COLOURS"] -MessageSuffix $Theme["MESSAGE-SUFFIX"]'; } } else { if ($inEmergency) { $Message = 'ϞϞϞ ' + $Message; } $messageExpression = ' -Message $Message -MessageColours $Theme["MESSAGE-COLOURS"] -MessageSuffix $Theme["MESSAGE-SUFFIX"]'; } if (-not([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($messageExpression))) { $expression += $messageExpression; } Invoke-Expression -Command $expression; } Set-Alias -Name Write-ThemedColoredPairs -Value Write-ThemedPairsInColour |