# Clean OU from default BuiltIn groups function Start-AdCleanOU { <# .Synopsis Clean default OU permissions. .DESCRIPTION The function will remove some of the default premission on the provided OU. It will remove the "Account Operators" and "Print Operators" built-in groups. .EXAMPLE Start-AdCleanOU -LDAPPath "OU=Users,OU=XXXX,OU=Sites,DC=EguibarIT,DC=local" .EXAMPLE Start-AdCleanOU -LDAPPath "OU=Users,OU=XXXX,OU=Sites,DC=EguibarIT,DC=local" -RemoveAuthenticatedUsers .EXAMPLE Start-AdCleanOU -LDAPPath "OU=Users,OU=XXXX,OU=Sites,DC=EguibarIT,DC=local" -RemoveUnknownSIDs .EXAMPLE Start-AdCleanOU -LDAPPath "OU=Users,OU=XXXX,OU=Sites,DC=EguibarIT,DC=local" -RemoveAuthenticatedUsers -RemoveUnknownSIDs .PARAMETER LDAPPath Distinguished name of the OU to be cleaned. .PARAMETER RemoveAuthenticatedUsers If present, Remove Authenticated Users. .PARAMETER RemoveUnknownSIDs If present, Remove Unknown SIDs. .NOTES Used Functions: Name | Module ---------------------------------------|-------------------------- Set-AdAclCreateDeleteUser | EguibarIT.Delegation Set-AdAclCreateDeleteComputer | EguibarIT.Delegation Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGroup | EguibarIT.Delegation Set-AdAclCreateDeleteContact | EguibarIT.Delegation Set-CreateDeleteInetOrgPerson | EguibarIT.Delegation Set-AdAclCreateDeletePrintQueue | EguibarIT.Delegation Remove-PreWin2000 | EguibarIT.Delegation Remove-PreWin2000FromOU | EguibarIT.Delegation Remove-AccountOperator | EguibarIT.Delegation Remove-PrintOperator | EguibarIT.Delegation Remove-AuthUser | EguibarIT.Delegation Remove-UnknownSID | EguibarIT.Delegation .NOTES Version: 1.2 DateModified: 19/Dec/2017 LasModifiedBy: Vicente Rodriguez Eguibar Eguibar Information Technology S.L. #> [CmdletBinding(ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')] param ( #PARAM1 Distinguished name of the OU to be cleaned [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Distinguished name of the OU to be cleaned.', Position = 0)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $LDAPpath, #PARAM2 Remove Authenticated Users [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Remove Authenticated Users.', Position = 1)] [switch] $RemoveAuthenticatedUsers, #PARAM3 Remove Unknown SIDs [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, HelpMessage = 'Remove Unknown SIDs.', Position = 2)] [switch] $RemoveUnknownSIDs ) begin { Write-Verbose -Message '|=> ************************************************************************ <=|' Write-Verbose -Message (Get-Date).ToShortDateString() Write-Verbose -Message (' Starting: {0}' -f $MyInvocation.Mycommand) Write-Verbose -Message ('Parameters used by the function... {0}' -f (Set-FunctionDisplay $PsBoundParameters -Verbose:$False)) ############################## # Variables Definition Write-Verbose -Message 'Removing Account Operators and Print Operators' $Parameters = $null } process { $parameters = @{ Group = 'Account Operators' LDAPPath = $PSBoundParameters['LDAPPath'] RemoveRule = $true } # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete Users Set-AdAclCreateDeleteUser @parameters # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete Computers Set-AdAclCreateDeleteComputer @parameters # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete Groups Set-AdAclCreateDeleteGroup @parameters # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete Contacts Set-AdAclCreateDeleteContact @parameters # Remove the Account Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete inetOrgPerson Set-CreateDeleteInetOrgPerson @parameters # Remove the Print Operators group from ACL to Create/Delete PrintQueues Set-AdAclCreateDeletePrintQueue @parameters # Remove Pre-Windows 2000 Compatible Access group from Admin-User Remove-PreWin2000 -LDAPPath $PSBoundParameters['LDAPPath'] # Remove Pre-Windows 2000 Access group from OU Remove-PreWin2000FromOU -LDAPPath $PSBoundParameters['LDAPPath'] # Remove ACCOUNT OPERATORS 2000 Access group from OU Remove-AccountOperator -LDAPPath $PSBoundParameters['LDAPPath'] # Remove PRINT OPERATORS 2000 Access group from OU Remove-PrintOperator -LDAPPath $PSBoundParameters['LDAPPath'] If($PsBoundParameters['RemoveAuthenticatedUsers']) { # Remove AUTHENTICATED USERS group from OU Remove-AuthUser -LDAPPath $PSBoundParameters['LDAPPath'] Write-Verbose -Message 'Removing Authenticated Users' } If($PsBoundParameters['$RemoveUnknownSIDs']) { # Remove Un-Resolvable SID from a given object Remove-UnknownSID -LDAPPath $PSBoundParameters['LDAPPath'] -RemoveSID Write-Verbose -Message 'Remove Un-Resolvable / Unknown SIDs' } } end { Write-Verbose -Message('Builtin groups were removed correctly from object {0}.' -f $PSBoundParameters['LDAPPath']) Write-Verbose -Message '' Write-Verbose -Message '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Write-Verbose -Message '' } } |