
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
function Enter-EditorServicesProcess {
    .EXTERNALHELP EditorServicesProcess-help.xml

        [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
    begin {   $infoList = [List[int]]::new() }
    process { if ($ProcessId) { $infoList.Add($ProcessId) }}
    end {
        if ($infoList) {
            $targetProcess = $infoList[0]
        } else {
            $targetProcess = (Get-EditorServicesProcess)[0].ProcessId

        # Sometimes when Get-EditorServicesProcess is ran before this, a process or two might be missing
        # for a short time while it's cleaning up. So we wait.
        $timeoutLoop = 0
        while (-not ($pipeInfo = (GetNamedPipes) -match $targetProcess)) {
            Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
            if (($timeoutLoop++) -eq 10) {
        $pipeInfo = $pipeInfo | GetPipeInfo
        $runspace = NewRemoteRunspace $pipeInfo.ProcessId $pipeInfo.AppDomain -Prepare

        if (-not $runspace) {

        # If the pipe gets parsed wrong the runspace can come out broken. Also if cleanup wasn't done
        # currently after exiting the runspace.
        if ('Broken' -eq $runspace.State) {
                    [RuntimeException]::new($Strings.InvalidRunspaceState, $runspace.State.Reason),
        $ps = [PowerShell]::Create().
            $global:psEditorRunspace = Get-Runspace 2
            $global:psEditor = $psEditorRunspace.SessionStateProxy.PSVariable.GetValue("psEditor")
            Set-Location $psEditor.Workspace.Path
            Import-Module (Join-Path ($psEditorRunspace.
                GetCommand("Find-Ast", "Function").
                ModuleBase) "PowerShellEditorServices.Commands.psd1")

        try {
            $ps.Runspace = $runspace
        } finally {
        # The runspace will close itself on pop, but not dispose, this will take care of that.
            param($Runspace, $RunspaceStateArgs)
            if ('Closed' -eq $RunspaceStateArgs.RunspaceStateInfo.State) {
        try {
        } catch {