ConvertFrom-StringData @'
SettingCommentMainModuleDirectory=The relative path from the current workspace to the root directory of the module. SettingCommentSourceManifestPath=The relative path from the current workspace to the main module manifest file. SettingCommentMarkdownDocsPath=The relative path from the current workspace to the directory where markdown files are stored. SettingCommentStringLocalizationManifest=The relative path from the current workspace to the string localization psd1 file. EditorCommandExists=Editor command '{0}' already exists, skipping. GettingImportedModules=Getting imported modules in the workspace. CheckingDefaultScope=No modules found, checking default scope instead. EnumeratingScopesForMember=Enumerating scopes to find a matching member. VariableFound=Found variable with type '{0}'. SkippingEditorContext=PowerShell Editor Services API not available, skipping. InferringFromCompletion=Checking for type using standard command completion. WhatIfSetExtent=Changing '{0}' to '{1}' ConfirmSetExtent=Continuing will change the the text of extent '{0}' to '{1}'. Are you sure you want to continue? ConfirmTitle=Confirm ShouldReplaceSettingsCaption=Replace existing settings? ShouldReplaceSettingsMessage=A settings file already exists in the specified folder and the "Force" switch parameter was not specified. If you continue, existing settings will be overridden. Do you want to continue? StringNamePrompt=String Name MissingAst=Unable to find an AST of type '{0}' at the specified location. MissingMemberExpressionAst=Unable to find a member expression ast near the current cursor location. MissingEditorContext=Unable to obtain editor context. Make sure PowerShell Editor Services is running and then try the command again. ExpandEmptyExtent=Cannot expand the extent with start offset '{0}' for file '{1}' because it is empty. CannotInferType=Unable to infer type for expression '{0}'. CannotFindModule=Unable to find the module '{0}' in the current session. TypeNotFound=Unable to find type [{0}]. TemplateGroupCompileError=Internal module error: Unable to compile default template group. Please file an issue on GitHub. FailureGettingMarkdown=Unable to generate markdown content. Ensure you have the module PlatyPS installed and the comment based help is formatted correctly. SettingsFileExists=The settings file for workspace '{0}' already exists. InvalidSettingValue=The value of the setting '{0}' is invalid. If you have not already created a settings file for this workspace, you can create one with the 'New-ESCSSettingsFile' function. InferringFromSession=Checking for command in the current session. InferringFromWorkspace=Checking for command in the workspace module manifest. VerboseInvalidManifest=Unable to retrieve module manifest for current workspace. CannotInferModule=Unable to infer module information for the selected command. CommandNotInModule=The selected command does not belong to a module. StringNamePromptFail=You must supply a string name for it to be added to the localization table. Please try the command again. CannotFindPInvokeFunction=Unable to find a PInvoke function that starts with '{0}' PInvokeFunctionChoice=Multiple matches found, please select below PInvokeFunctionNamePrompt=PInvoke Function Name MissingPInvokeSignature=The function was found but pinvoke.net did not return signature information. '@ |