using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Extensions using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language function Expand-TypeImplementation { <# .EXTERNALHELP EditorServicesCommandSuite-help.xml #> [EditorCommand(DisplayName='Expand Closest Type to Implementation')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [type[]] $Type ) begin { $renderer = [TypeRenderer]::new() $group = @' class(FullName, Name, DeclaredMethods) ::= << class New<Name> : <FullName> { <DeclaredMethods:methods(); separator={<\n><\n>}> } >> methods(m) ::= << <m.ReturnType> <if(m.IsStatic)>static <endif><m.Name> (<m.Parameters:params(); separator=", ">) { throw [NotImplementedException]::new() } >> params(p) ::= "<p.ParameterType> $<p.Name>" '@ $group = New-StringTemplateGroup -Definition $group $instance = $group.GetType().GetProperty('Instance', 60).GetValue($group) $instance.RegisterRenderer([type], $renderer) } process { $typeList if ($Type) { $cursorPosition = $psEditor.GetEditorContext().CursorPosition # HACK: Temporary workaround until #$targetExtent = $psEditor.GetEditorContext().CursorPosition | ConvertTo-ScriptExtent $targetExtent = [Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.FullScriptExtent]::new( $psEditor.GetEditorContext().CurrentFile, [Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.BufferRange]::new( $cursorPosition.Line, $cursorPosition.Column, $cursorPosition.Line, $cursorPosition.Column)) } else { $ast = Find-Ast -AtCursor | Find-Ast -Family -First -IncludeStartingAst { $PSItem.TypeName } $targetExtent = $ast.Extent $resolvedType = $ast.TypeName.Name -as [type] if (-not $resolvedType) { # Type resolution scope is this function, so we need to pull the namespaces from # the current file and test against that. $using = Find-Ast { $_ -is [UsingStatementAst] -and $_.UsingStatementKind -eq 'Namespace' } foreach ($namespace in $using.Name) { if ($resolvedType = ('{0}.{1}' -f $using.Name, $ast.TypeName.Name) -as [type]) { break } } } $Type = $resolvedType } $result = foreach ($aType in $Type) { Invoke-StringTemplate -Group $group -Name class -Parameters ($aType) } Set-ScriptExtent -Extent $targetExtent -Text $result } } |