using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Extensions using namespace System.Collections.Generic using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language function ConvertTo-SplatExpression { <# .EXTERNALHELP EditorServicesCommandSuite-help.xml #> [CmdletBinding()] [EditorCommand(DisplayName='Convert Command to Splat Expression')] param( [System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Ast ) begin { function ConvertFromExpressionAst($expression) { $isStringExpression = $expression -is [StringConstantExpressionAst] -or $expression -is [ExpandableStringExpressionAst] if ($isStringExpression) { # If kind isn't BareWord then it's already enclosed in quotes. if ('BareWord' -ne $expression.StringConstantType) { return $expression.Extent.Text } $enclosure = "'" if ($expression.NestedExpressions) { $enclosure = '"' } return '{0}{1}{0}' -f $enclosure, $expression.Value } # When we handle switch parameters we don't create an AST. if ($pair.Value -isnot [Ast]) { return $expression } return $expression.Extent.Text } } end { $Ast = GetAncestorOrThrow $Ast -AstTypeName CommandAst -ErrorContext $PSCmdlet $commandName, $elements = $Ast.CommandElements.Where({ $true }, 'Split', 1) $splat = @{} $retainedArgs = [List[Ast]]::new() $elementsExtent = $elements.Extent | Join-ScriptExtent $elements = [Queue[Ast]]::new($elements -as [Ast[]]) # Start building the hash table of named parameters and values while ($elements.Count -and ($current = $elements.Dequeue())) { if ($current -isnot [CommandParameterAst]) { # We don't try to figure out positional arguments, so we keep them in final CommandAst $retainedArgs.Add($current) continue } # The while is to loop through consecutive switch parameters. while ($current -is [CommandParameterAst]) { $lastParam = $current if (-not $elements.Count) { $splat.$lastParam = '$true' break } $current = $elements.Dequeue() if ($current -is [CommandParameterAst]) { $splat.$lastParam = '$true' } else { $splat.$lastParam = $current } } } # Remove the hypen, change to camelCase and add 'Splat' $variableName = [regex]::Replace( ($commandName.Extent.Text -replace '-'), '^[A-Z]', { $args[0].Value.ToLower() }) + 'Splat' $sb = [System.Text.StringBuilder]:: new('${0}' -f $variableName). AppendLine(' = @{') # All StringBuilder methods return itself so it can be chained. We null the whole scriptblock # here so unchained method calls don't add to our output. $null = & { foreach($pair in $splat.GetEnumerator()) { $sb.Append(' '). Append($pair.Key.ParameterName). Append(' = ') if ($pair.Value -is [ArrayLiteralAst]) { $sb.AppendLine($pair.Value.Elements.ForEach{ ConvertFromExpressionAst $PSItem } -join ', ') } else { $sb.AppendLine((ConvertFromExpressionAst $pair.Value)) } } $sb.Append('}') } $splatText = $sb.ToString() # New CommandAst will be `Command @splatvar [PositionalArguments]` $newCommandParameters = '@' + $variableName if ($retainedArgs) { $newCommandParameters += ' ' + ($retainedArgs.Extent.Text -join ' ') } # Change the command expression first so we don't need to track it's position. $elementsExtent | Set-ScriptExtent -Text $newCommandParameters # Get the parent PipelineAst so we don't add the splat in the middle of a pipeline. $pipeline = $Ast | Find-Ast -Ancestor -First { $PSItem -is [PipelineAst] } # Prepend the existing indent. $lineText = ($psEditor.GetEditorContext(). CurrentFile. Ast. Extent. Text -split '\r?\n')[$pipeline.Extent.StartLineNumber - 1] $lineIndent = $lineText -match '^\s*' | ForEach-Object { $matches[0] } $splatText = $lineIndent + ( $splatText -split '\r?\n' -join ([Environment]::NewLine + $lineIndent)) # HACK: Temporary workaround until #$splatTarget = ConvertTo-ScriptExtent -Line $pipeline.Extent.StartLineNumber $splatTarget = [Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.FullScriptExtent]::new( $psEditor.GetEditorContext().CurrentFile, [Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.BufferRange]::new( $pipeline.Extent.StartLineNumber, 1, $pipeline.Extent.StartLineNumber, 1)) $splatTarget | Set-ScriptExtent -Text ($splatText + [Environment]::NewLine) } } |