using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Extensions using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language function Add-ModuleQualification { <# .EXTERNALHELP EditorServicesCommandSuite-help.xml #> [EditorCommand(DisplayName='Add Module Name to Closest Command')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Ast ) begin { function InferCommandInfo([string]$commandName) { # HACK: If someone knows a reliable way to perform command lookup outside the module, # without reflection, please let me know or send a PR. $flags = [Reflection.BindingFlags]'Instance, NonPublic' $context = $ExecutionContext. GetType(). GetField('_context', $flags). GetValue($ExecutionContext) $globalState = $context. GetType(). GetProperty('TopLevelSessionState', $flags). GetValue($context) $getCommand = { $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($commandName, 'All') } $null = [scriptblock]. GetProperty('SessionStateInternal', $flags). SetValue($getCommand, $globalState) $PSCmdlet.WriteVerbose($Strings.InferringFromSession) $command = $getCommand.InvokeReturnAsIs() if ($command) { return $command } $PSCmdlet.WriteVerbose($Strings.InferringFromWorkspace) try { $manifest = GetInferredManifest if (($moduleInfo = Get-Module $manifest.Name -ErrorAction Ignore)) { return $moduleInfo.Invoke( { $ExecutionContext.SessionState.InvokeCommand.GetCommand($args[0], 'All') }, $commandName) } $isExport = $manifest.FunctionsToExport -contains $commandName -or $manifest.CmdletsToExport -contains $commandName # If it's exported in the manifest but not loaded we can't actually get CommandInfo, # but we can return the properties we expect anyway. if ($isExport) { return @{ ModuleName = $manifest.Name Name = $commandName } } } catch { $PSCmdlet.WriteVerbose($Strings.VerboseInvalidManifest) } $PSCmdlet.WriteVerbose('Unable to find command "{0}".' -f $commandName) } } end { $Ast = GetAncestorOrThrow $Ast -AstType CommandAst $command = InferCommandInfo $Ast.GetCommandName() if (-not $command) { ThrowError -Exception ([ArgumentException]::new($Strings.CannotInferModule)) ` -Id CannotInferModule ` -Category InvalidArgument ` -Target $Ast.GetCommandName() ` -Show } if (-not $command.ModuleName) { $PSCmdlet.WriteVerbose($Strings.CommandNotInModule) return } $newExpression = '{0}\{1}' -f $command.ModuleName, $command.Name $Ast.CommandElements[0] | Set-ScriptExtent -Text $newExpression } } |