using namespace Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Extensions using namespace System.Management.Automation.Language function ConvertTo-MarkdownHelp { <# .EXTERNALHELP EditorServicesCommandSuite-help.xml #> [EditorCommand(DisplayName='Generate Markdown from Closest Function')] [CmdletBinding()] param( [System.Management.Automation.Language.Ast] $Ast ) end { $Ast = GetAncestorOrThrow $Ast -AstTypeName FunctionDefinitionAst -ErrorContext $PSCmdlet $settings = GetSettings $manifest = GetInferredManifest $docsPath = Join-Path (ResolveRelativePath $settings.MarkdownDocsPath) $PSCulture # If project uri is defined in the manifest then take a guess at what the online uri # should be. if ($projectUri = $manifest.PrivateData.PSData.ProjectUri) { $normalizedDocs = $PSCmdlet.SessionState.Path.NormalizeRelativePath( $docsPath, $psEditor.Workspace.Path) $onlineUri = $projectUri, $normalizedDocs, ($Ast.Name + '.md') -join '/' -replace '\\', '/' } # Wrap this whole thing in a try/finally so we can dispose of temp files and PowerShell # session in event of an error or CTRL + C try { $tempFolder = Join-Path $env:TEMP -ChildPath (New-Guid).Guid $null = New-Item $tempFolder -ItemType Directory # Load the the module and create markdown in a new runspace so we don't pollute the # current session. $ps = [powershell]::Create('NewRunspace') $null = $ps.AddScript(' param($manifestPath, $commandName, $onlineUrl, $tempFolder) Import-Module $manifestPath New-MarkdownHelp -Command $commandName ` -OnlineVersionUrl $onlineUrl ` -OutputFolder $tempFolder '). AddArgument((ResolveRelativePath $settings.SourceManifestPath)). AddArgument($Ast.Name). AddArgument($onlineUri). AddArgument($tempFolder). Invoke() $markdownFile = Get-ChildItem $tempFolder\*.md | Select-Object -First 1 $markdownContent = Get-Content $markdownFile.FullName -Raw } finally { if ($ps) { $ps.Dispose() } if ($tempFolder -and (Test-Path $tempFolder) -and $tempFolder -match 'Temp\\^[A-z0-9-]+$') { Remove-Item $tempFolder -Recurse -Force } } if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($markdownContent)) { ThrowError -Exception ([InvalidOperationException]::new($Strings.FailureGettingMarkdown)) ` -Id FailureGettingMarkdown ` -Category InvalidOperation ` -Target $markdownContent ` -Show } $helpToken = $ast | Get-Token | Where-Object Kind -EQ Comment | Where-Object Text -Match '\.EXTERNALHELP|\.SYNOPSIS' $helpIndentLevel = $helpToken.Extent.StartColumnNumber - 1 $newHelpComment = '<#', ('.EXTERNALHELP {0}-help.xml' -f $manifest.Name), '#>' -join ([Environment]::NewLine + (' ' * $helpIndentLevel)) if ($helpToken.Text -ne $newHelpComment) { $helpToken | Set-ScriptExtent -Text $newHelpComment } Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50 $targetMarkdownPath = '{0}\{1}.md' -f $docsPath, $Ast.Name if (-not (Test-Path $targetMarkdownPath)) { $null = New-Item $targetMarkdownPath -ItemType File } SetEditorLocation $targetMarkdownPath # Shape markdown according to linting rules. $markdownContent = $markdownContent -replace # Add a new line after headers. '([#]+) ([ \w\(\)\-_]+)(\r?\n)(?=[\w{`])', '$1 $2$3$3' -replace # Add powershell to code start markers. '(?<=\r?\n\r?\n)```(?!powershell|yaml)', '```powershell' -replace # Remove the trailing spaces from blank Aliases. '(?<=Aliases:) (?!\w)' -replace # Replace inconsistent example titles. '### Example (\d+)', '### -------------------------- EXAMPLE $1 --------------------------' WaitUntil { $psEditor.GetEditorContext().CurrentFile.Path -eq $targetMarkdownPath } Find-Ast -IncludeStartingAst -First | Set-ScriptExtent -Text $markdownContent } } |