
function Read-EBMicrosoftDocsIndexPage
        Converts an index page of a Microsoft Docs into a book.
        Converts an index page of a Microsoft Docs into a book.
        Resolves all links in the index.
        The Url to the index page.
    .PARAMETER StartIndex
        Start Index the pages will begin with.
        Index is what Export-EBBook will use to determine page order.
        PS C:\> Read-EBMicrosoftDocsIndexPage -Url
        Parses the Active Directory Security Best Practices into page and image objects.

    Param (
        $StartIndex = 0
        $index = $StartIndex
        $indexPage = Read-EBMicrosoftDocsPage -Url $Url -StartIndex $index
        $pages = $indexPage.Content | Select-String '<a href="(.*?)"' -AllMatches | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Matches | ForEach-Object { $_.Groups[1].Value }
        $basePath = (Split-Path $indexPage.SourceName) -replace "\\", "/"
        foreach ($page in $pages)
            $tempPath = $basePath
            while ($page -like "../*")
                $tempPath = (Split-Path $tempPath) -replace "\\", "/"
                $page = $page -replace "^../", ""
            Read-EBMicrosoftDocsPage -Url ("{0}/{1}" -f $tempPath, $page) -StartIndex $index