
function Read-EBMdDataSection {
        A simple string-data parser.
        A simple string-data parser.
        Ignores empty lines.
        Skips lines that do not contain a ":" symbol.
        Will process each other line into key/value pairs, reading them as:
        Each value will be trimmed and processed as string.
        Each key will be trimmed and have any leading "- " or "+ " elements removed.
    .PARAMETER Lines
        The lines of text to process.
        An extra hashtable to merge with the parsing results.
        PS C:\> $Data.Lines | Read-EBMdDataSection -Data $Data.Attributes
        Parses all lines, merges them with the hashtable in $Data.Attributes and returns the resultant hashtable.

    param (
        [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
        $Data = @{ }
        $result = @{ }
        $result += $Data
        foreach ($line in $Lines | Get-SubString) {
            if (-not $line) { continue }
            if ($line -notlike "*:*") { continue }
            $name, $value = $line -split ":", 2
            $result[$name.Trim('-+ ')] = $value.Trim()