
function Read-EBMarkdown {
        Reads a markdown file and converts it to a page to be built into an ebook
        Reads a markdown file and converts it to a page to be built into an ebook
        Path to the file to read.
    .PARAMETER InlineStyles
        Hashtable mapping inline decorators to span classes.
        Used to enable inline style customizations.
        For example, when providing a hashtable like this:
        @{ 1 = 'spellcast' }
        It will convert this line:
        "Let me show you my #1#Fireball#1#!"
        "Let me show you my <span class="spellcast">Fireball</span>!"
        PS C:\> Get-ChildItem *.md | Read-EBMarkdown
        Reads and converts all markdown files in he current folder

    param (
        [parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
        $InlineStyles = @{ }
    begin {
        function ConvertFrom-Markdown {
            param (
                $InlineStyles = @{ }
            $lines = Get-Content -Path $Path -Encoding UTF8 | ConvertFrom-InlineStyle -InlineStyles $InlineStyles
            $stringBuilder = New-SBStringBuilder -Name ebook
            $PSDefaultParameterValues['Add-SBLine:Name'] = 'ebook'
            $inBlock = $false
            $inCode = $false
            $inBullet = $false
            $inNote = $false
            $inParagraph = $false
            $blockData = [pscustomobject]@{
                Attributes = @{ }
                Type       = $null
                Lines       = @()
                File       = $Path
            $paragraph = @()
            $firstPar = $true
            foreach ($line in $lines) {
                #region Process Block Content
                if ($inBlock) {
                    if ($line -like '## <*') {
                        try { $firstPar = ConvertFrom-MdBlock -Type $blockData.Type -Lines $blockData.Lines -Attributes $blockData.Attributes -StringBuilder $stringBuilder }
                        catch { Stop-PSFFunction -Message 'Failed to convert block' -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $blockData -EnableException $true -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet }
                        $inBlock = $false
                    else { $blockData.Lines += $line }
                #endregion Process Block Content
                #region Process Code Content
                if ($inCode) {
                    if ($line -like '``````*') {
                        $paragraph = @()
                        Add-SBLine '</pre>'
                        $inCode = $false
                        $firstPar = $true
                    Add-SBLine $line
                #endregion Process Code Content
                #region Process Bullet Point
                if ($inBullet) {
                    if (-not $line.Trim()) {
                        Add-SBLine '<li class="defaultLI">{0}</li>' -Values ($paragraph -join ' ')
                        Add-SBLine '</ul>'
                        $paragraph = @()
                        $inBullet = $false
                        $firstPar = $true
                    if ($line -notlike '+ *') {
                        $paragraph += $line
                    if ($paragraph) {
                        Add-SBLine '<li class="defaultLI">{0}</li>' -Values ($paragraph -join ' ')
                        $paragraph = @()
                    $paragraph += $line -replace '^\+ '
                #endregion Process Bullet Point
                #region Process Notes
                if ($inNote) {
                    if ($line.Trim()) {
                        $paragraph += $line -replace '^>\s{0,1}'
                    foreach ($text in ConvertFrom-EBMarkdown -Line $paragraph -ClassFirstParagraph noteFirstPar -ClassParagraph noteText -EmphasisClass noteEmphasis) {
                        Add-SBLine $text
                    Add-SBLine '<hr/></div>'
                    $inNote = $false
                    $firstPar = $true
                    $paragraph = @()
                #endregion Process Notes
                #region Process Paragraph
                if ($inParagraph) {
                    if ($line.Trim()) {
                        $paragraph += $line
                    $class = 'text'
                    if ($firstPar) {
                        $class = 'firstpar'
                        $firstPar = $false
                    foreach ($text in ConvertFrom-EBMarkdown -Line $paragraph -ClassFirstParagraph $class -ClassParagraph $class) {
                        Add-SBLine $text
                    $paragraph = @()
                    $inParagraph = $false
                #endregion Process Paragraph
                #region Region Starters
                # Handle begin of a Block
                if ($line -like '## <*') {
                    $inBlock = $true
                    $blockData = New-Block -Line $line -Path $Path
                # Handle begin of a Code section
                if ($line -like '``````*') {
                    $inCode = $true
                    $firstPar = $true
                    Add-SBLine '<pre>'
                # Handle begin of a Bullet-Points section
                if ($line -like '+ *') {
                    $inBullet = $true
                    Add-SBLine '<ul>'
                    $paragraph += $line -replace '^\+ '
                # Handle begin of a Notes section
                if ($line -like '> *') {
                    $inNote = $true
                    Add-SBLine '<div class="notes"><hr/>'
                    $paragraph += $line -replace '^> '
                # Handle Chapter Title
                if ($line -like '# *') {
                    $null = $stringBuilder.AppendLine("<h2>$($line -replace '^# ')</h2>")
                # Handle begin of a Paragraph section
                if ($line.Trim()) {
                    $inParagraph = $true
                    $paragraph += $line
                #endregion Region Starters
            #region Cleanup
            #region Process Block Content
            if ($inBlock) {
                try { $firstPar = ConvertFrom-MdBlock -Type $blockData.Type -Lines $blockData.Lines -Attributes $blockData.Attributes -StringBuilder $stringBuilder }
                catch { Stop-PSFFunction -Message 'Failed to convert block' -ErrorRecord $_ -Target $blockData -EnableException $true -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet }
                $inBlock = $false
            #endregion Process Block Content
            #region Process Code Content
            if ($inCode) {
                Add-SBLine '</pre>'
                $inCode = $false
                $firstPar = $true
            #endregion Process Code Content
            #region Process Bullet Point
            if ($inBullet) {
                Add-SBLine '<li class="defaultLI">{0}</li>' -Values ($paragraph -join ' ')
                Add-SBLine '</ul>'
                $paragraph = @()
                $inBullet = $false
                $firstPar = $true
            #endregion Process Bullet Point
            #region Process Notes
            if ($inNote) {
                foreach ($text in ConvertFrom-EBMarkdown -Line $paragraph -ClassFirstParagraph noteFirstPar -ClassParagraph noteText -EmphasisClass noteEmphasis) {
                    Add-SBLine $text
                Add-SBLine '<hr/></div>'
                $inNote = $false
                $firstPar = $true
                $paragraph = @()
            #endregion Process Notes
            #region Process Paragraph
            if ($inParagraph) {
                $class = 'text'
                if ($firstPar) {
                    $class = 'firstpar'
                    $firstPar = $false
                foreach ($text in ConvertFrom-EBMarkdown -Line $paragraph -ClassFirstParagraph $class -ClassParagraph $class) {
                    Add-SBLine $text
                $paragraph = @()
                $inParagraph = $false
            #endregion Process Paragraph
            #endregion Cleanup
            New-Object EbookBuilder.Page -Property @{
                Index = $Index
                Name  = (Get-Item -Path $Path).BaseName
                Content = Close-SBStringBuilder -Name ebook
                SourceName = $Path
                TimeCreated = Get-Date
                MetaData = @{ }
        function ConvertFrom-InlineStyle {
            param (
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
                $InlineStyles = @{ }
            begin {
                $replaceHash = @{ }
                foreach ($pair in $InlineStyles.GetEnumerator()) {
                    $replaceHash["#$($pair.Key)#(.+?)#$($pair.Key)#"] = '<span class="{0}">$1</span>' -f $pair.Value
            process {
                foreach ($string in $Line) {
                    foreach ($pair in $replaceHash.GetEnumerator()) {
                        $string = $string -replace $pair.Key, $pair.Value
        function New-Block {
            [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
            param (
            $type = $Line -replace '## <(\w+).+$', '$1'
            $attributes = @{ }
            $entries = $Line | Select-String '(\w+)="(.+?)"' -AllMatches
            foreach ($match in $entries.Matches) {
                $attributes[$match.Groups[1].Value] = $match.Groups[2].Value
                Attributes = $attributes
                Type       = $type
                Lines       = @()
                File       = $Path
        $Index = 1
    process {
        foreach ($pathItem in $Path) {
            Write-PSFMessage -Message "Processing: $pathItem"
            ConvertFrom-Markdown -Path $pathItem -Index $Index -InlineStyles $InlineStyles