# # Import module if needed, should be part of module testing # $ModuleName = 'EasyAzureFunction' $here = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path $root = (get-item $here).Parent.FullName if (!(Get-Module $ModuleName)) { Import-Module (Join-Path $root "$ModuleName.psd1") -Force } # # Fake test # Describe "Fake-Test" { It "Should be fixed by developer" { $true | Should -Be $true } } # # Check definition # $CommandName = 'New-AzureFunctionCode' $ParameterNames = @('CommandName','Path','Invoke') Describe "Function-NewAzFC-Definition" { $CmdDef = Get-Command -Name $CommandName -Module $ModuleName -ea 0 $CmdFake = Get-Command -Name 'FakeCommandName' -Module $ModuleName -ea 0 It "Command should exist" { $CmdDef | Should -Not -Be $null $CmdFake | Should -Be $null } It 'Alias should exist' { Get-Alias -Definition $CommandName -ea 0 | Should -Not -Be $null Get-Alias -Definition 'FakeCommandName' -ea 0 | Should -Be $null } It 'Command should have parameters' { $CmdDef.Parameters.Keys | Should -Not -Contain 'FakeParameterName' foreach ($P1 in $ParameterNames) { $CmdDef.Parameters.Keys | Should -Contain $P1 } } } # # Check functionality, real tests # Describe "Function-NewAzFC-Functionality" { $Folder0 = [system.io.path]::GetTempPath() $Commands = @('Get-Command','Get-Process') It 'Files should not be there before running command' { $File1 =Join-Path $Folder0 'index.html' $File2 =Join-Path $Folder0 'run.ps1' if (Test-Path $File1) {Remove-Item $File1 -Force} if (Test-Path $File2) {Remove-Item $File2 -Force} $File1 | Should -Not -Exist $File2 | Should -Not -Exist } It 'Should generate two files in a folder' { # run command New-AzureFunctionCode -Command $Commands[0] # check results Join-Path $Folder0 'index.html' | Should -Exist Join-Path $Folder0 'run.ps1' | Should -Exist Join-Path $Folder0 'FakeFileName' | Should -Not -Exist } It 'Command subfolders should not exist before running command' { foreach ($C1 in $Commands) { $Folder1 = Join-Path $Folder0 $C1 if (Test-Path $Folder1) {Remove-Item $Folder1 -Force -Recurse} $Folder1 | Should -Not -Exist } } It 'Should create subfolders for multiple commands' { New-AzureFunctionCode -Command $Commands foreach ($C1 in $Commands) { $Folder = Join-Path $Folder0 $C1 Join-Path $Folder 'index.html' | Should -Exist Join-Path $Folder 'run.ps1' | Should -Exist Join-Path $Folder 'FakeFileName' | Should -Not -Exist } } It 'All *.ps1 files should have valid syntax' { $TestFunction = Join-Path $here 'Test-PowerShellSyntax.ps1' $TestFunction | Should -Exist . $TestFunction foreach ($C1 in $Commands) { $Folder = Join-Path $Folder0 $C1 (Test-PowerShellSyntax -Path (Join-Path $Folder 'run.ps1')).SyntaxErrorsFound | Should -Be $false } } It 'All *.html files should have valid syntax' { $TestFunction = Join-Path $here 'Test-HTMLSyntax.ps1' $TestFunction | Should -Exist . $TestFunction foreach ($C1 in $Commands) { $Folder = Join-Path $Folder0 $C1 Test-HTMLSyntax -Path (Join-Path $Folder 'index.html') | ? type -eq 'error' | Should -Be $null } } It 'Generates three files for processed script' { $TestScript = Join-Path $here 'LoremIpsum.ps1' $TestScript | Should -Exist $Folder1 = Join-Path $Folder0 'LoremIpsum' if (Test-Path $Folder1) {Remove-Item $Folder1 -Force -Recurse} $Folder1 | Should -Not -Exist New-AzFC -ScriptName $TestScript -Path $Folder1 $NewFiles = Get-ChildItem $Folder1 $NewFiles.Count | Should -Be 3 } It 'Has two fields for Credentials parameter' { $Cmd = 'New-PSDrive' Get-Command -Name $Cmd | Should -Not -Be $null $CredParam = Get-Parameter $Cmd | ? Type -eq PSCredential $CredParam | Should -Not -Be $null $CredParamName = $CredParam.Name $Folder1 = Join-Path $Folder0 $Cmd if (Test-Path $Folder1) {Remove-Item $Folder1 -Force -Recurse} $Folder1 | Should -Not -Exist New-AzFC -CommandName $Cmd -Path $Folder1 $Content = Get-Content (Join-Path $Folder1 'index.html') -Raw $Content | Should -Match "$CredParamName`Username" $Content | Should -Match "$CredParamName`Password" } } |