function Get-Parameter () { param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true,ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName=$true,Position=0)] [Alias('Name')][string[]]$CommandName ) # TODO: Add Verbose output BEGIN { $CommonParams = 'Verbose,Debug,ErrorAction,WarningAction,InformationAction,ErrorVariable,WarningVariable,InformationVariable,OutVariable,OutBuffer,PipelineVariable' -split ',' } PROCESS { foreach ($C1 in $CommandName) { $Params = Get-Command -Name $C1 | Select -expand Parameters foreach ($P1 in $Params.Keys) { if ($P1 -in $CommonParams) {continue} # TODO: Add switch to include CommonParams $PObj = $Params.$P1 $Type = $PObj.ParameterType if ($Type.BaseType -eq [System.Enum]) {$Values = [System.Enum]::GetNames($Type)} else {$Values = @()} # TODO: Add list of possible values (i.e. ValidateSet), not tested and not used code above foreach ($ParamSetName in $PObj.ParameterSets.Keys) { New-Object PSObject -Property @{ Command = $C1 Name = $P1 Type = $PObj.ParameterType.Name Mandatory = $PObj.Attributes | ? ParameterSetName -eq $ParamSetName | Select -expand Mandatory ParameterSet = $ParamSetName } } } } } END {} } |