function New-AzureFunctionCode { # function creates two files: run.ps1 and index.html for specified command # files can be just uploaded to azure function and executed to simulate server-less command running param ( [string[]]$Command, [string]$Path = $env:TEMP, # TODO: This might not be compatible with PSCore [switch]$Invoke ) # TODO: Add support for extra parameters, like bootstrap BEGIN { } PROCESS { foreach ($C1 in $Command) { # prepare folder if ($Command.Count -gt 1) {$P1 = Join-Path $Path $C1} else {$P1 = $Path} if (!(Test-Path $P1)) {New-Item $P1 -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null} # check for existence of command if (!(Get-Command $C1)) { Write-Error "Cannot find command $C1" continue } else { $C1 = (Get-Command $C1).Name # setup proper capitalization } # generate files Convert-ParametersToHTML -Command $C1 -Bootstrap | Out-File (Join-Path $P1 'index.html') -Force -Encoding utf8 Convert-ParametersToRunner -Command $C1 | Out-File (Join-Path $P1 'run.ps1') -Force -Encoding utf8 } } END { if ($Invoke) { Invoke-Item $Path } } } Set-Alias -Name New-AzFC -Value New-AzureFunctionCode |