
function Write-PropertySet
        Writes a property set
        Writes a property set.
        Property sets are a way to conveniently access sets of properties on an object.
        Instead of writing:
            Select-Object a,b,c,d
        You can write:
            Select-Object mypropertyset
        Write-PropertySet -typename System.IO.FileInfo -name filetimes -propertyname Name, LastAccessTime, CreationTime, LastWriteTime |
            Out-TypeData |
        dir | select filetimes

    # The typename for the property set

    # The name of the property set

    # The names of the properties to include in the property set
    begin {
        [Hashtable]$PropertySet = @{}
    process {
        $PropertySet.$name = $PropertyName
    end {
        Write-TypeView -TypeName $TypeName -PropertySet $PropertySet