function Out-TypeData { <# .Synopsis Takes a series of type views and format actions and outputs a type data XML .Description Takes a series of type views and format actions and outputs a type data XML .Example # Create a quick view for any XML element. # Piping it into Out-FormatData will make one or more format views into a full format XML file # Piping the output of that into Add-FormatData will create a temporary module to hold the formatting data # There's also a Remove-FormatData and Write-FormatView -TypeName "System.Xml.XmlNode" -Wrap -Property "Xml" -VirtualProperty @{ "Xml" = { $strWrite = New-Object IO.StringWriter ([xml]$_.Outerxml).Save($strWrite) "$strWrite" } } | Out-FormatData #> param( # The Format XML Document. The XML document can be supplied directly, # but it's easier to use Write-FormatView to create it [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [ValidateScript({ if ((-not $_.Type)) { throw "The root of a types XML most be a type element" } return $true })] [Xml] $TypeXml, # The output path. # This can be a string or a dictionary. # If it is a dictionary, the keys must a be a `[string]` or `[regex]` defining a pattern, and the value will be the path. [ValidateScript({ $validTypeList = [System.String],[System.Collections.IDictionary] $thisType = $_.GetType() $IsTypeOk = $(@( foreach ($validType in $validTypeList) { if ($_ -as $validType) { $true;break } })) if (-not $isTypeOk) { throw "Unexpected type '$(@($thisType)[0])'. Must be 'string','System.Collections.IDictionary'." } return $true })] [PSObject] $OutputPath ) begin { $type = "" } process { if ($TypeXml.Type) { $type+= "<Type>$($TypeXml.Type.InnerXml)</Type>" } } end { $xml = [xml]" <!-- Generated with EZOut $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version): Install-Module EZOut or --> <Types> $type </Types> " if ($OutputPath) { if ($outputPath -is [string]) { $createdOutputFile = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $OutputPath -Force if (-not $createdOutputFile) { return } $xml.Save($createdOutputFile.FullName) Get-Item -LiteralPath $createdOutputFile.FullName } else { $fileOutputs = [Ordered]@{} :nextType foreach ($typeXml in $xml.Types.Type) { $viewTypeNames = @($typeXml.Name) if (($OutputPath -isnot [Collections.IDictionary])) { continue } foreach ($_ in $OutputPath.GetEnumerator()) { if ($_.Key -isnot [regex] -and $_.Key -isnot [string]) { continue nextType } if ($_.Key -is [string] -and -not ($viewTypeNames -like $_.Key)) { continue nextType } if ($_.Key -is [Regex] -and -not ($viewTypeNames -match $_.Key)) { continue nextType } $kv = $_ if (-not $fileOutputs[$kv.Value]) { $fileOutputs[$kv.Value] = @() } $fileOutputs[$kv.Value] += $typeXml.OuterXml } } foreach ($fileOut in $fileOutputs.GetEnumerator()) { $fileXml = " <!-- Generated with EZOut $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.Version): Install-Module EZOut or --> <Types>$($fileOut.Value -join [Environment]::NewLine)</Types> " if (-not $fileXml) { continue } $filePath = $fileOut.Key $createdOutputFile = New-Item -ItemType File -Path $filePath -Force if (-not $createdOutputFile) { continue } ($fileXml -as [xml]).Save($createdOutputFile.FullName) Get-Item -LiteralPath $createdOutputFile.FullName } } } else { $strWrite = [IO.StringWriter]::new() $xml.Save($strWrite) return "$strWrite" } } } |