# The PowerShell Types system has a lot of really underused capabilities. One particularily interesting one is PropertySets.
# A Property Set is a named view of a type's data, which will only pick up those properties. # You use them with Select-Object. A built in one is the PSConfiguration view on the output of Get-Process Get-Process | Select-Object PSConfiguration # You can see all of the PropertySets built into PowerShell with the Get-PropertySet command from EZOut Get-PropertySet # To create new ones, you can use the command ConvertTo-TypePropertySet. You pipe in a Select-Object result to this command # in order to create a result set. This small pipeline creates a property set for file times. Get-ChildItem | Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime, CreationTime | ConvertTo-TypePropertySet -Name FileTimes # To dynamically add it, pipe it into Out-TypeData and Add-TypeData Get-ChildItem | Select-Object Name, LastWriteTime, CreationTime | ConvertTo-TypePropertySet -Name FileTimes | Out-TypeData | Add-TypeData # Now we can ask for the FileTimes property set when we use Select-Object Get-ChildItem | Select-Object filetimes |