
# The next view we can improve with Write-FormatView is how devices look
# A way to get the devices on the operating system is:
Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPEntity
# In earlier examples, we saw how to create a quick table view. Let's do that for
# Win32_PnpEntity.
# To start out with, let's get the typename.
$typeName =
    Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPEntity |
        Get-Member |
        Select-Object TypeName -Unique
$typeName |
    Write-FormatView -Property Name, Status, Manufacturer, DeviceID -AutoSize |
    Out-FormatData |
# Let's see the difference
Get-WmiObject Win32_PnpEntity
# That's much better, but the Manufacturer information is repeated a lot, and it
# takes up a lot of space on the screen. If we're careful about the order the data
# goes in, we can improve the appearance of the output by using the -GroupByProperty parameter.
$typeName |
    Write-FormatView -Property Name, Status, DeviceID -AutoSize -GroupByProperty Manufacturer |
    Out-FormatData |
# Let's see the difference
Get-WmiObject Win32_PnpEntity |
    Sort-Object Manufacturer
# It's very important to sort before you pipe into grouped views.
# GroupBy will add a header to all items from the object pipeline that have the same property.
# Whenever a new value for that property is encountered, a new header will be added. This means
# that if you output a bunch of objects by a grouping that comes out of order, you will see
# a lot of groups. Let's the difference by showing the same data without sorting.
Get-WmiObject Win32_PnpEntity
# It looks much, much better sorted
Get-WmiObject Win32_PnpEntity |
    Sort-Object Manufacturer
# The only unfortunate thing about this view is that both the deviceID and the name are
# very long. It would be better to show them in a list instead. Luckily, Write-FormatView
# has the -AsList switch, which does just that.
$typeName |
    Write-FormatView -Property Name, Status, DeviceID -GroupByProperty Manufacturer -AsList |
    Out-FormatData |
# Let's see the difference
Get-WmiObject Win32_PnpEntity |
    Sort-Object Manufacturer