@{ ModuleToProcess = 'EZOut.psm1' ModuleVersion = '1.9.7' GUID = 'cef786f0-8a0b-4a5d-a2c6-b433095354cd' Author = 'James Brundage' CompanyName = 'Start-Automating' Copyright = '2011-2022' Description = 'Easily Author Rich Format Files to Customize PowerShell Output' FunctionsToExport = # Core format manipulation functions 'Add-FormatData','Clear-FormatData', 'Out-FormatData', 'Remove-FormatData', 'Add-TypeData', 'Clear-TypeData', 'Out-TypeData', 'Remove-TypeData', 'Get-FormatFile', 'Find-FormatView', # Imports 'Import-FormatView','Import-TypeView', # Control authoring 'Write-FormatControl', # Creation of formatting views: splats to 'Write-FormatView', 'Write-FormatCustomView', 'Write-FormatTableView', 'Write-FormatListView', # doesn't splat to Write-FormatWideView, because it's not useful 'Write-FormatWideView', # Write-FormatViewExpression is used in custom actions and controls 'Write-FormatViewExpression', # Write-FormatTreeView is an advanced formatting control 'Write-FormatTreeView', # Most other advanced format controls are extensions to Format-Object 'Format-Object', 'Format-Hashtable','Format-Heatmap','Format-JSON', 'Format-Markdown', 'Format-RichText','Format-YAML', # Don't forget types.ps1xml functions 'Write-TypeView', 'ConvertTo-PropertySet','Write-PropertySet','Get-PropertySet', # or the code generator for .ezout.ps1 files 'Write-EZFormatFile', # or Get-EZOutExtension 'Get-EZOutExtension' AliasesToExport = 'Write-CustomAction' FormatsToProcess = 'EZOut.format.ps1xml' PrivateData = @{ Colors = @{ Xml = @{ AttributeName = '#fafa00' AttributeValue = '#00bfff' Punctuation = '#a9a9a9' Tag = '#00ffff' Element = '#00af00' InnerText = '#8bda8b' } } EZOut = @{ RichText = "Format-RichText" Heatmap = "Format-Heatmap" Markdown = "Format-Markdown" YAML = "Format-YAML" Hashtable = "Format-Hashtable" JSON = "Format-JSON" } PSData = @{ ProjectURI = 'https://github.com/StartAutomating/EZOut' LicenseURI = 'https://github.com/StartAutomating/EZOut/blob/master/LICENSE' Tags = '.ps1xml', 'Format','Output','Types', 'Colorized' ReleaseNotes = @' ## 1.9.7: * Format-RichText now unbolds bright colors (Fixes #88) * Now Blogging with GitPub (Fixes #89) * New Logo (Fixes #90) --- ## 1.9.6: * Added Format-JSON (Fixes #86) * Improved GitHub Action (Fixes #85) --- ## 1.9.5: * Write-FormatViewExpression: * Adding -DoubleUnderline * Adding -Faint * Adding -Italic * Adding -Strikthru * Adding -Hide * Format-RichText: * Adding plural alias for -Italic (Fixes #83) --- ## 1.9.4: * Formatting Improvements: * Adding Colorized Formatter for Get-Member * Adding Simple Table for FileSystemTypes * Format-RichText: * Adding -DoubleUnderline (#80) * Adding -Faint (#77) * Adding -Hide (#78) * Adding -Italic (#76) * Fixing -Strikethru behavior (#79) --- ## 1.9.3: * Import-TypeView/Import-FormatView: Skipping PipeScript Files (Fixes #73) --- ## 1.9.2: * Format-Markdown: * Improving Handling of | (Fixes #71) * Not escaping code blocks (undoes #69) * No longer including images with PowerShell Gallery package (Fixes #67) --- ## 1.9.1: * Format-Markdown: Escaping -Code blocks (Fixes #69) --- ## 1.9.0: * Format-Hashtable: Better Handling of [string]s, [enum]s, and primitive types (Fixes #64). * Format-YAML: * Added -Depth (Fixes #65) * Supporting Enums (Fixes #66) --- ## 1.8.9: * Added Format-Hashtable (Fixes #61) * Import-TypeView now supports hidden properties (Fixes #62) --- ## * Format-YAML now supports -Indent (Fixes #59) * Format-YAML now supports all primitive types (Fixes #58). Thanks @dfinke! --- ## 1.8.8: * Write-EZFormatFile generates scripts that output files. Fixes #56 and #43. --- ## 1.8.7: * Out-FormatData: Now supports -Debug (#46) * Format-YAML: Fixing Indentation (#49) * Import-TypeView: Allowing Typename.txt file to redefine typename (#48) * Self-hosting action (#52) * GitHub Action now carries on commit message (#54) --- ## 1.8.6 * Format-Markdown: Adding -ImageLink * Format-Markdown: Adding -MarkdownTableAlignment, additional documentation. * Format-Markdown: Normalizing tables and fixing issues with Dictionaries * Format-YAML: Fixing minor issue with -YAMLHeader and multiple objects * Updating tests: Adding test for Format-Object * Adding EZOut GitHub Action (#36) * Out-FormatData: Fixing error when a node has an empty scriptblock (#19) * Write-FormatListView: Updating Colorization (#33) * Write-FormatTableView: Fixing encoding and updating colorization (#34) * Fixing RichModuleInfo (#41) * Write-FormatViewExpression: Updating Colorization (#35) * Format-RichText: Adding help, and fixing color lookup logic * Format-Markdown: Changes to -Heading/-HeadingSize (re #41) * Adding Format- commands (#24, #25, #26, #27, #28, #29, #30) and making EZOut format take precedence. * Fixing Colorization in System.Diagnostics.Process (#32) * Adding Get-EZOutExtension: (helps fix #25) * Write-FormatViewExpression: Support for localization (#39) * Out-FormatData: Format-Object embedability (#26), Parts cleanup (#38) * #38 - Removing single use parts * Adding Format-Heatmap (#30) * Adding Format-Markdown (#29) * Adding Format-YAML (#28) * Adding Format-RichText (#27) * Adding Format-Object (#25, #26) * Adding workflow definition (#37) --- '@ } PoshMacros = @{ 'EZOut' = @{ ScriptBlock = @' ([IO.DirectoryInfo]"$pwd").EnumerateFiles() | ? { $_.Name -like '*.ez*.ps1' } | % { . $_.FullName } '@ } } } } |