.Synopsis Adds style to a format output .Description Adds style information to a format output, including: * ForegroundColor * BackgroundColor * Bold * Underline .Notes Stylized Output works in two contexts at present: * Rich consoles (Windows Terminal, PowerShell.exe, Pwsh.exe) (when $host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal) * Web pages (Based off the presence of a $Request variable, or when $host.UI.SupportsHTML (you must add this property to $host.UI)) IsFormatPart: true #> param( [string]$ForegroundColor, [string]$BackgroundColor, [switch]$Bold, [switch]$Underline, [switch]$Invert ) $canUseANSI = $host.UI.SupportsVirtualTerminal $canUseHTML = $Request -or $host.UI.SupportsHTML if (-not ($canUseANSI -or $canUseHTML)) { return } $knownStreams = @{ Output='';Error='BrightRed';Warning='BrightYellow'; Verbose='BrightCyan';Debug='Yellow';Progress='Cyan'; Success='BrightGreen';Failure='Red';Default=''} $standardColors = 'Black', 'Red', 'Green', 'Yellow', 'Blue','Magenta', 'Cyan', 'White' $brightColors = 'BrightBlack', 'BrightRed', 'BrightGreen', 'BrightYellow', 'BrightBlue','BrightMagenta', 'BrightCyan', 'BrightWhite' $n =0 $cssClasses = @() $styleAttributes = @(:nextColor foreach ($hc in $ForegroundColor,$BackgroundColor) { $n++ if (-not $hc) { continue } if ($hc[0] -eq [char]0x1b) { if ($canUseANSI) { $hc; continue } } $ansiStartPoint = if ($n -eq 1) { 30 } else { 40 } if ($knownStreams.ContainsKey($hc)) { $i = $brightColors.IndexOf($knownStreams[$hc]) if ($canUseHTML) { $cssClasses += $hc } else { if ($i -ge 0 -and $canUseANSI) { '' + [char]0x1b + "[1;$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m" } else { $i = $standardColors.IndexOf($knownStreams[$hc]) if ($i -ge 0 -and $canUseANSI) { '' + [char]0x1b + "[1;$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m" } elseif ($i -le 0 -and $canUseANSI) { '' + [char]0x1b + "[$($ansistartpoint + 8):5m" } } } continue nextColor } elseif ($standardColors -contains $hc) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $standardColors.Count;$i++) { if ($standardColors[$i] -eq $hc) { if ($canUseANSI -and -not $canUseHTML) { '' + [char]0x1b + "[$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m" } else { $cssClasses += $standardColors[$i] } continue nextColor } } } elseif ($brightColors -contains $hc) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $brightColors.Count;$i++) { if ($brightColors[$i] -eq $hc) { if ($canUseANSI -and -not $canUseHTML) { '' + [char]0x1b + "[1;$($ansiStartPoint + $i)m" } else { $cssClasses += $standardColors[$i] } continue nextColor } } } if ($hc -and -not $hc.StartsWith('#')) { $placesToLook= @(if ($hc.Contains('.')) { $module, $setting = $hc -split '\.', 2 $theModule = Get-Module $module $theModule.PrivateData.Color, $theModule.PrivateData.Colors, $theModule.PrivateData.Colour, $theModule.PrivateData.Colours, $theModule.PrivateData.EZOut, $global:PSColors, $global:PSColours } else { $setting = $hc $moduleColorSetting = $theModule.PrivateData.PSColors.$setting }) foreach ($place in $placesToLook) { if (-not $place) { continue } foreach ($propName in $setting -split '\.') { $place = $place.$propName if (-not $place) { break } } if ($place -and "$place".StartsWith('#') -and 4,7 -contains "$place".Length) { $hc = $place continue } } if (-not $hc.StartsWith -or -not $hc.StartsWith('#')) { continue } } $r,$g,$b = if ($hc.Length -eq 7) { [int]::Parse($hc[1..2]-join'', 'HexNumber') [int]::Parse($hc[3..4]-join '', 'HexNumber') [int]::Parse($hc[5..6] -join'', 'HexNumber') }elseif ($hc.Length -eq 4) { [int]::Parse($hc[1], 'HexNumber') * 16 [int]::Parse($hc[2], 'HexNumber') * 16 [int]::Parse($hc[3], 'HexNumber') * 16 } if ($canUseHTML) { if ($n -eq 1) { "color:$hc" } elseif ($n -eq 2) { "background-color:$hc"} } elseif ($canUseANSI) { if ($n -eq 1) { [char]0x1b+"[38;2;$r;$g;${b}m" } elseif ($n -eq 2) { [char]0x1b+"[48;2;$r;$g;${b}m" } } }) if ($Bold) { $styleAttributes += if ($canUseHTML) { "font-weight:bold" } elseif ($canUseANSI) { [char]0x1b + "[1m" } } if ($Underline) { $styleAttributes += if ($canUseHTML) { "text-decoration:underline" } elseif ($canUseANSI) { [char]0x1b + "[4m" } } if ($Invert) { $styleAttributes += if ($canUseHTML) { "filter:invert(100%)" } elseif ($canUseANSI) { [char]0x1b + "[7m" } } if ($canUseHTML) { "<span$( if ($styleAttributes) { " style='$($styleAttributes -join ';')'"} )$( if ($cssClasses) { " class='$($cssClasses -join ' ')'"} )>" } elseif ($canUseANSI) { $styleAttributes -join '' } |