
function Write-TypeView
        Writes extended type view information
        PowerShell has a robust, extensible types system. With Write-TypeView, you can easily add extended type information to any type.
        This can include:
            The default set of properties to display (-DefaultDisplay)
            Sets of properties to display (-PropertySet)
            Serialization Depth (-SerializationDepth)
            Virtual methods or properties to add onto the type (-ScriptMethod, -ScriptProperty and -NoteProperty)
            Method or property aliasing (-AliasProperty)

    # The name of the type
    #|Default MyCustomTypeName
    #|MaxLength 255

    # A collection of virtual method names and the script blocks that will be used to run the virtual method.
        if ($_.Keys | Where-Object {$_-isnot [string]}) {
            throw "Must provide the names of script methods"
        if ($_.Values | Where-Object {$_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]}) {
            throw "Must provide script blocks to handle each method"
        return $true

    # A Collection of virtual property names and the script blocks that will be used to get the property values.
        $in = $_
        foreach ($kv in $in.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($kv.Key -isnot [string]) {
                throw "Must provide the names of script properties"
            if ($kv.Value.Count -gt 2) {
                throw "No more than two scripts can be provided"
            foreach ($_ in $kv.Value) {
                if ($_ -isnot [ScriptBlock]) {
                    throw "Must provide script blocks to handle each property"
        return $true

    # A collection of fixed property values.
        if ($_.Keys | Where-Object { $_-isnot [string] } ) {
            throw "Must provide the names of note properties"
        return $true

    # A collection of property aliases
        foreach ($kv in $_.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($kv.Key -isnot [string] -or $kv.Value -isnot [string]) {
                throw "All keys and values in the property rename map must be strings"
        return $true

    # The default display. If only one propertry is used,
    # this will set the default display property. If more than one property is used,
    # this will set the default display member set

    # The ID property

    # The serialization depth. If the type is deserialized, this is the depth of subpropeties
    # that will be stored. For instance, a serialization depth of 3 would storage an object, it's
    # subproperties, and those objects' subproperties. You can use the serialization depth
    # to minimize the overhead of moving objects back and forth across the remoting boundary,
    # or to ensure that you capture the correct information.
    [int]$SerializationDepth = 2,

    # The reserializer type used for recreating a deserialized type

    # Property sets define default views for an object. A property set can be used with Select-Object
    # to display just that set of properties.
        if ($_.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -isnot [string] } ) {
            throw "Must provide the names of property sets"
        if ($_.Values |
            Where-Object {$_ -isnot [string] -and  $_ -isnot [Object[]] -and $_ -isnot [string[]] }){
            throw "Must provide a name or list of names for each property set"
        return $true

    # Will hide any properties in the list from a display

    process {
        $memberSetXml = ""

        #region Construct Member Set
        if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SerializationDepth') -or
            $psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('IdProperty') -or
            $psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DefaultDisplay') -or
            $psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Reserializer')) {
            $defaultDisplayXml = if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('DefaultDisplay')) {
$referencedProperties = "<Name>" + ($defaultDisplay -join "</Name>
) + "</Name>"
" <PropertySet>

            $serializationDepthXml = if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('SerializationDepth')) {

            } else {$null }

            $ReserializerXml = if ($psBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Reserializer'))  {

            } else { $null }

            $memberSetXml = "

        #endregion Construct Member Set

        #region PropertySetXml
        $propertySetXml  = if ($psBoundParameters.PropertySet) {
            foreach ($NameAndValue in $PropertySet.GetEnumerator()) {
                $referencedProperties = "<Name>" + ($NameAndValue.Value -join "</Name>
) + "</Name>"

        } else {

        #region Aliases
        $aliasPropertyXml = if ($psBoundParameters.AliasProperty) {
            foreach ($NameAndValue in $AliasProperty.GetEnumerator()) {
                $isHiddenChunk = if ($HideProperty -contains $NameAndValue.Key) {
            <AliasProperty $isHiddenChunk>

        } else {
        #endregion Aliases
        $NotePropertyXml = if ($psBoundParameters.NoteProperty) {
            foreach ($NameAndValue in $NoteProperty.GetEnumerator()) {
                $isHiddenChunk = if ($HideProperty -contains $NameAndValue.Key) {
            <NoteProperty $isHiddenChunk>

        } else {
        $scriptMethodXml = if ($psBoundParameters.ScriptMethod) {
            foreach ($methodNameAndCode in $ScriptMethod.GetEnumerator()) {                                "

        } else {

        #region Script Property
        $scriptPropertyXml = if ($psBoundParameters.ScriptProperty) {
            foreach ($propertyNameAndCode in $ScriptProperty.GetEnumerator()) {
                $isHiddenChunk = if ($HideProperty -contains $propertyNameAndCode.Key) {
                $getScript, $setScript = $propertyNameAndCode.Value
                if ($getScript -and $setScript) {
            <ScriptProperty $isHiddenChunk>

                } else {
            <ScriptProperty $isHiddenChunk>



        $innerXml = @($memberSetXml) + $propertySetXml + $aliasPropertyXml + $codePropertyXml + $codeMethodXml + $scriptMethodXml + $scriptPropertyXml + $NotePropertyXml

        $innerXml = ($innerXml  | Where-Object {$_} ) -join ([Environment]::NewLine)

