
function Write-FormatWideView
    # The name of the property displayed in the wide view.

    # The script block displayed in the wide view.

    # The view type name. This allows for a view to be displayed selectively, based off of a typename.

    # The view condition. This allows for a view to be displayed selectively, based off of a condition.
    # This must be used with -ViewTypeName or -ViewSelectionSet.

    # The View Selection Set. This allows for a view to be displayed selectively, based of a selection set name.

    # If set, the view will be automatically sized.
    # This cannot be ignored if a ColumnCount is provided.

    # The number of columns that will be displayed.
    # This will take override -AutoSize

    begin {
        $accumulated = [Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    process {
        $null = $accumulated.Add(@{} + $PSBoundParameters)

    end {
        $xml = & {
        if ($ColumnCount) {
        } elseif ($AutoSize) {
        foreach ($item in $accumulated) {
            if ($item.ViewTypeName -or $item.ViewSelectionSet) {
                if ($item.ViewCondition) {
                foreach ($tn in $item.ViewTypeName) {
                foreach ($ssn in $item.ViewSelectionSet) {
                if ($item.ViewCondition) {
            if ($item.Property) {
            } elseif ($item.ScriptBlock) {

        $xml = [xml]($xml -join '')

        if (-not $xml) { return }
        "$xOut".Substring('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>'.Length + [Environment]::NewLine.Length)