@{ WebCommand = @{ "Write-FormatView" = @{ HideParameter = "RenamedProperty", "VirtualProperty", "FormatProperty", "Name", "GroupAction", "AsControl", "Width" FriendlyName = "Write a Format View" ContentType = 'text/plain' } "Write-TypeView" = @{ HideParameter = "CodeProperty", "CodeMethod", "Reserializer" FriendlyName = "Write a Type View" ContentType = 'text/plain' } "Write-PropertySet" = @{ FriendlyName = "Write a Property Set" ContentType = 'text/plain' } } Style = @{ Body = @{ "font-family" = "Segoe UI" "font-size" = "1.25em" "background-color" = "#F0FFFA" "color" = "#079C1C" } 'a' = @{ 'color' = '#F0FFFA' } 'a:hover' = @{ 'text-decoration' ='none' } } AnalyticsId = 'UA-24591838-4' # Providing an Analytics ID will add an analytics tracker to each page CommandOrder = "Write-FormatView", "Write-TypeView", "Write-PropertySet" DomainSchematics = @{ "Ezout.Start-Automating.com | EzOut.StartAutomating.com | EasyOut.Start-Automating.com | EasyOut.StartAutomating.com" = "Default" } AllowDownload = $true #-AllowDownload lets the module get downloaded AddPlusOne = $true # Adds a Google +1 button to all pages TwitterId = 'jamesbru' # Adds a a twitter ID to all pages GoogleSiteVerification = # The Google Site Verification lets you use Google WebMaster Tools 'JFEJmONZO1y1ucWbdc4m0YODOr4y98C3rGIGzh0wLDg' BingValidationKey = # The Bing Validation Key lets you use Bing Webmaster Tools '7B94933EC8C374B455E8263FCD4FE5EF' Facebook = @{ # A Facebook App IP Lets you log in with facebook, and adds Like buttons AppId = '424980144210380' } AdSense = @{ Id = '7086915862223923' BottomAdSlot = '6352908833' } PubCenter = @{ ApplicationId = "d6dc302f-7599-49c5-b09d-5b3173ed0581" BottomAdUnit = "10049444" } Logo = "/Assets/EZOut_Tile.png" Win8 = @{ Identity = @{ Name="Start-Automating.EZOut" Publisher="CN=3B09501A-BEC0-4A17-8A3D-3DAACB2346F3" Version="" } Assets = @{ "splash.png" = "/EZOut_Splash.png" "smallTile.png" = "/EZOut_Small.png" "wideTile.png" = "/EZOut_Wide.png" "storeLogo.png" = "/EZOut_Store.png" "squaretile.png" = "/EZOut_Tile.png" } ServiceUrl = "http://EZOut.start-automating.com" LightForegroundText = $true Name = "EZOut" PublishedUrl = 'http://apps.microsoft.com/windows/app/ezout/559fc6cf-67ad-4a5d-bd1e-79bf0e59d7fc' } Technet = @{ Category="Scripting Techniques" Subcategory="Displaying Output" OperatingSystem="Windows 7", "Windows Server 2008", "Windows Server 2008 R2", "Windows Vista", "Windows XP", "Windows Server 2012", "Windows 8" Tag='EZout', 'PowerShell Formatting', 'Start-Automating', 'PowerShell Tools' MSLPL=$true Summary=" EZOut is a module to take the pain out of PowerShell formatting and types files (PS1XMLs). With EZOut, you can write simple scripts to do complex formatting, instead of learning a byzantine XML. " Url = 'http://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/EZOut-33ae0fb7' } ModuleTemplate = 'Module-InvertedHeader' CommandTemplate = 'Command-InvertedHeader' TopicTemplate = 'Topic-InvertedHeader' } |