
function Write-FormatViewExpression
        Writes a Format XML View Expression
        Writes an expression for a Format .PS1XML.
        Expressions are used by custom format views and controls to conditionally display content.

    # The name of the control. If this is provided, it will be used to display the property or script block.
    # If a property name is provided, then the custom action will show the contents
    # of the property
    # If a script block is provided, then the custom action shown in formatting
    # will be the result of the script block.

    # If provided, will make the expression conditional. -If it returns a value, the script block will run

    # If provided, will output the provided text. All other parameters are ignored.

    # If provided, will output a <NewLine /> element. All other parameters are ignored.

    # If provided, will output the format using this format string.
    # If this is set, collections will be enumerated.
    # If provided, will display the content using the given foreground color.
    # This will only be displayed on hosts that support rich color.

    [Alias('FG', 'ForegroundColour')]

    # If provided, will display the content using the given background color.
    # This will only be displayed on hosts that support rich color.
    [Alias('BG', 'BackgroundColour')]
    process {
        # If this is calling itself recursively in ScriptBlock
        if ($ScriptBlock -and $ScriptBlock -like "*$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name)*") {
            & $ScriptBlock # run the script and return.

        if ($Text) {
            return "<Text>$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($Text))</Text>"
        if ($Newline) {
            return "<NewLine/>"
        if ($ForegroundColor -or $BackgroundColor) {
                if ($ForegroundColor) {"<!-- color:$ForegroundColor -->"}
                if ($BackgroundColor) {"<!-- background-color:$BackgroundColor -->"}
                $colorize = [ScriptBlock]::Create("`$ci = '$ForegroundColor', '$BackgroundColor';" + $ConvertCiToEscapeSequence + ';$ci -join ""')
                Write-FormatViewExpression -If ([ScriptBlock]::Create('$host.ui.SupportsVirtualTerminal')) -ScriptBlock $colorize
            ) -join ''
$ControlChunk = if ($ControlName) { "<CustomControlName>$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($ControlName))</CustomControlName>" }
$EnumerationChunk = if ($Enumerate) { '<EnumerateCollection/>' } else { '' }
$formatChunk = if ($FormatString) { "<FormatString>$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($FormatString))</FormatString>"}

    $(if ($If) {
    $(if ($Property) { "<PropertyName>$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($Property))</PropertyName>" })
    $(if ($ScriptBlock) { "<ScriptBlock>$([Security.SecurityElement]::Escape($ScriptBlock))</ScriptBlock>"})

if ($ForegroundColor -or $BackgroundColor) {
    $(if ($ForegroundColor) {"<!-- color:unset -->"}) +
    $(if ($BackgroundColor) {"<!-- background-color:unset -->"}) +
    $(Write-FormatViewExpression -If ([ScriptBlock]::Create('$host.ui.SupportsVirtualTerminal')) -ScriptBlock ([ScriptBlock]::Create('@([char]0x1b + "[39m" + [char]0x1b + "[49m") -join ""')))