
## EPS - Embedded PowerShell
## Dave Wu, June 2014
## Templating tool for PowerShell
## For detailed usage please refer to:
## http://straightdave.github.io/eps

$execPath   = Split-Path -Parent -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$thisfile   = "$execPath\eps.psm1"
#$sysLibFile = "$execPath\sys_lib.ps1" # import built-in resources to eps file

## Expand-Template:
## Key entrance of EPS
## Safe mode: start a new/isolated PowerShell instance to compile the templates
## to prevent result from being polluted by variables in current context
## With Safe mode: you can pass a hashtable containing all variables to this function.
## Compiling process will inject values recorded in hashtable to template
## Usage:
## Expand-Template [[-template] <text>]|[-file <file name>] [-safe] [-binding <hashtable>]
## Examples:
## - Expand-Template -template $text
## will use current context to fill variables in template. If no '$name' exists in current context, it will produce blanks.
## - Expand-Template -template $text -safe -binding @{ name = "dave" }
## will use "dave" to render the placeholder "<%= $name %>" in template
## Other example:
## $result = Expand-Template -file $a_file -safe -binding @{ name = "dave" }
## *Note*: here using safe mode
## or
## $text = @'
## Dave is a <% if($true){ %>man<% }else{ %>lady<% } %>.
## Davie is <%= $age %>.
## '@
## $age = 26
## $result = Expand-Template -template $text
function Expand-Template {
  [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingInvokeExpression", "")]

    [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$True, ValueFromPipelinebyPropertyName=$True)]
    [Hashtable]$binding = @{},
  if (!$Template -and !$File) {
    Throw New-Object System.ArgumentException "Either Template or File must be provided" 
  if($file -and (test-path $file)){
    $temp1 = Get-Content $file
    $template = $temp1 -join "`n"
  if($sysLibFile -and (test-path $sysLibFile)){
    $template = "<% . $sysLibFile %>`n" + $template  
    $p = [powershell]::create()
    $block = {
      $binding = @{}    # variable binding
      . $lib   # load Compile-Raw

      $binding.keys | ForEach-Object { New-Variable -Name $_ -Value $binding[$_] }     
      $script = Compile-Raw $temp      
      Invoke-Expression $script      
    $binding.keys | ForEach-Object { New-Variable -Name $_ -Value $binding[$_] }     

    $script = Compile-Raw $template
    Invoke-Expression $script

## Compile-Raw:
## Used internally. To comiple templates into text
## Input parameter '$raw' should be a [string] type.
## So if reading from a file via 'gc/get-content' cmdlet,
## you should join all lines together with new-line ("`n") as delimiters
function Compile-Raw{
  [switch]$debug = $false

  # constants
  $pre_cmd = @('$_temp = ""')
  $post_cmd = @('$_temp')
  $put_cmd = '$_temp += '
  $insert_cmd = '$_temp += ' 
  $p = [regex]'(?si)(?<content>.*?)(?<token><%%|%%>|<%=|<%#|<%|%>|\n)'
  # 'global' variables
  $content = ''
  $stag = ''  # start tag
  $line = @()
  $w = $false # whether last tag-pair is <% %>
  # start!
  $pre_cmd | ForEach-Object { $line += $_ }
  $raw += "`n"
  $m = $p.match($raw)
    $content = $m.groups["content"].value
    $token = $m.groups["token"].value
    if($stag -eq ''){
      # escaping characters
      $content = $content -replace '([`"$])', '`$1'
        { '<%', '<%=', '<%#' -contains $_ } {
          $stag = $token          
        "`n" {
          if( -not $w ) { 
            $content += '`n'
        '<%%' {
          $content += '<%'
        '%%>' {
          $content += '%>'
        default {
          $content += $token
      $w = $false
        '%>' {          
            '<%' {
              $line += $content
              $w = $true
            '<%=' {
              $line += ($insert_cmd + '"$(' + $content.trim() + ')"')
            '<%#' { }
          $stag = ''
          $content = ''
        "`n" {
          if($stag -eq '<%' -and $content -ne ''){            
            $line += $content
          $content = ''
        default {
          $content += $token
    if( $content -ne '') { $line += ($put_cmd + '"' + $content + '"') }
    $m = $m.nextMatch()
  $post_cmd | ForEach-Object { $line += $_ }
  $script = ($line -join ';')
  if($debug) {
    return $line
  $line = $null