Function Add-RebootTask { If (Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "*Weekly Reboot*") { Write-Error "A scheduled reboot already exists!" -ErrorAction Stop } $MachineType = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem).Model $RandomMins = Get-Random -Minimum 30 -Maximum 59 if ($MachineType -eq "Virtual Machine") { schtasks /create /tn �Weekly Reboot - VM� /tr �shutdown /r /t 0� /sc weekly /d mon /st 03:$($RandomMins):00 /ru �System� schtasks /query /tn "Weekly Reboot - VM" } else { schtasks /create /tn �Weekly Reboot - Host� /tr �shutdown /r /t 0� /sc weekly /d mon /st 04:$($RandomMins):00 /ru �System� schtasks /query /tn "Weekly Reboot - Host" } } function Clear-Folder { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] param ( [Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true)] [string] $TargetDirectory ) $EmptyDir = "$env:TEMP\empty_temp" # create a empty temp folder for robocopy later if (!(Test-Path $EmptyDir)) { New-Item -Path $EmptyDir -ItemType Directory } # warn Write-Warning "You are about to erase everything in $TargetDirectory are you sure you want to continue" -WarningAction Inquire Write-Warning "Are you ABSOLUTELY certain?" -WarningAction Inquire # use robocopy to mirror the empty directory over the top of the target directory robocopy $EmptyDir $TargetDirectory /MIR # remove empty temp folder and target folder Remove-Item $EmptyDir,$TargetDirectory -Force -Recurse } Function Update-BootImage { <# .SYNOPSIS This function updates the boot image on a deployment server and automatically imports it in to WDS .NOTES Name: Update-BootImage Author: Elliott Marter .EXAMPLE Update-BootImage -DeploymentShare D:\DeploymentShare .LINK https://www.powershellgallery.com/profiles/elliottmarter - #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, Position = 0 )] [string[]] $DeploymentShare ) BEGIN { if (!(test-path $DeploymentShare)) { throw "Could not find $DeploymentShare please check again..." } # Import MDT Toolkit Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Deployment Toolkit\bin\MicrosoftDeploymentToolkit.psd1" # Get all exisiting boot images and remove them Get-WdsBootImage | Remove-WdsBootImage } PROCESS { $DSItem = Get-Item $DeploymentShare $DSItem $DSName = $DSItem.name $DSName $DSPath = $DSItem.fullname $DSPath New-PSDrive -Name $DSName -PSProvider MDTProvider -Root $DSPath -Verbose Update-MDTDeploymentShare -Path "$($DSName):" -Verbose Import-WdsBootImage -NewImageName $DSName -NewDescription $DSName -Path "$DSPath\Boot\LiteTouchPE_x64.wim" -Verbose Get-PSDrive -Name $DSName | Remove-PSDrive -Verbose } END {} } |