Function Import-Users { <# .Synopsis Use this function to import users from a CSV file in to Active Directory .Description Users are imported in to an imported users OU, from there you can move them as you wish .Parameter CSV The path to a CSV file containing user data, CSV MUST have 3 columns, firstname, lastname & description .Parameter UsernameFormat Select the format you want for the usernames generated, currently johnd, john.d, jdoe, j.doe, john.doe are supported. .Parameter Usertype Select the type of user account, the function uses this to find the home directory (eg Home$\Staff) and also adds them to the corresponding security group .Parameter Homeshare Path to the Home$ share (eg \\DC01\Home$) .Parameter Profileshare Path to the Profile$ share (eg \\DC01\Profile$) .Parameter Password What password you want for the account, MUST comply with domain policy OR fine grained password policy. .Parameter RandomPassword Tells the function to use to generate random passwords for each account .Parameter Logpath What path to generate the log files, by default is current users desktop .EXAMPLE Import-Users -csv C:\users.csv -UsernameFormat -john.d -UserType Office #> [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$True)] #[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='password')] Param( [Parameter( Mandatory=$true )] $csv, [Parameter( Mandatory=$true )] [ValidateSet('johnd','john.d','jdoe','j.doe','john.doe')] [string]$UsernameFormat, [Parameter( Mandatory=$true )] [ValidateSet('Staff','Office','Students')] [string]$UserType, [Parameter( ParameterSetName='password' )] [string]$Password, [Parameter( ParameterSetName='random' )] [switch]$RandomPassword, [string]$HomeShare = "\\$Env:COMPUTERNAME\Home$", [string]$ProfileShare = "\\$Env:COMPUTERNAME\Profile$", [string]$LogPath = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\User Import Logs" ) $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" # Setup logging $Log = "$LogPath\$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y-%m-%d) Import Log.csv" $FailLog = "$LogPath\$(Get-Date -UFormat %Y-%m-%d) FAILED Import Log.csv" if (!(Test-Path $Log)) { New-Item $Log, $FailLog -Force | Out-Null Set-Content -Path $Log -Value '"Full Name","UserName","Description","Password"' Set-Content -Path $FailLog -Value '"Full Name","UserName"' } # Store the data from the CSV in the $Users variable $Users = Import-csv $csv if ((Get-Content $csv)[0] -ne "firstname,lastname,description") { throw "Check your CSV Headers! Should be 'firstname,lastname,description'" } # Show current settings and require confirmation to continue Write-Host "Home Folder = $HomeShare\$UserType" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Profile Folder = $ProfileShare\$UserType" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "Username Format = $UsernameFormat" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Warning "Please confirm these settings are correct" -WarningAction Inquire Write-Host "Log file: $LogPath" -ForegroundColor Cyan # Set some Variables $Domain = (Get-ADDomain).name $FullDomain = (Get-ADDomain).dnsroot $DomainRoot = (Get-ADDomain).DistinguishedName $HomePath = "$HomeShare\$UserType" $ProfilePath = "$ProfileShare\$UserType" # Tests for an "Imported Users" OU at root of domain and if it does not exist then it creates it $ImportOU = "OU=Imported Users,$DomainRoot" try { Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Identity $ImportOU | Out-Null } catch { New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name "Imported Users" -Path $DomainRoot } # Check Home & Profile paths exist if (!(Test-Path $HomePath)) { Throw "Could not find $HomePath!" } if (!(Test-Path $ProfilePath)) { Throw "Could not find $ProfilePath!" } # Loop through each row containing user details in the CSV file foreach ($User in $Users) { # Read user data from each field in each row and assign the data to a variable as below $Firstname = $User.firstname $Lastname = $User.lastname $FullName = "$Firstname $Lastname" $Description = $User.description # Select username format if ($UsernameFormat -eq "johnd") { $Username = $Firstname + $Lastname.substring(0,1) } if ($UsernameFormat -eq "john.d") { $Username = $Firstname + "." + $Lastname.substring(0,1) } if ($UsernameFormat -eq "jdoe") { $Username = $Firstname.substring(0,1) + $Lastname } if ($UsernameFormat -eq "j.doe") { $Username = $Firstname.substring(0,1) + "." + $Lastname } if ($UsernameFormat -eq "john.doe") { $Username = $Firstname + "." + $Lastname } # change to lower case and remove - and ' and spaces $Username = $Username.ToLower() -replace "[^a-zA-Z.]" # Generate a random password and make the first letter a capital if ($RandomPassword) { $Password = (Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase((Invoke-WebRequest "" -Verbose:$False | Select-Object Content -ExpandProperty Content)) } $PasswordSecure = $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force # Create splat of user params $UserParams = @{ SamAccountName = $Username UserPrincipalName = "$Username@$FullDomain" Name = $FullName GivenName = $Firstname Surname = $Lastname Path = $ImportOU ProfilePath = "$ProfilePath\$Username" HomeDrive = "H:" HomeDirectory = "$HomePath\$Username" Description = $Description ChangePasswordAtLogon = $true } # Create an object to make reporting later easier $UserObject = [PSCustomObject]@{ Name = $Fullname UserName = $Username Description = $Description Password = $Password } try { # Create the account New-ADUser @UserParams # Create user home folder New-Item -Name $Username -Path $HomePath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null # Set access rights on home folder Add-NTFSAccess -Path "$HomePath\$Username" -Account $Username -AccessRights FullControl # Add to groups Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $UserType -Members $Username # Set account password Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity $Username -Reset -NewPassword $PasswordSecure Set-ADUser -Identity $Username -Enabled $true -CannotChangePassword $false -ChangePasswordAtLogon $true # If student then change password requirements if ($UserType -eq "Students") { Set-ADUser -Identity $Username -Enabled $true -CannotChangePassword $true -ChangePasswordAtLogon $false -PasswordNeverExpires $true } # Write success message Write-Host "SUCCESS: Created $Username" -ForegroundColor Green # Log to file $UserObject | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Out-File -FilePath $Log -Append -encoding ASCII } catch { # Write failure message Write-Host "FAILURE: Unable to create $Username" -ForegroundColor Red # Log to file $UserObject | Select-Object Username | ConvertTo-Csv -NoTypeInformation | Select-Object -Skip 1 | Out-File -FilePath $FailLog -Append -encoding ASCII $_.Exception.Message | Out-File -FilePath $FailLog -Append -encoding ASCII continue } } } |