[CmdletBinding()]param() # only publish if commit message starts with !publish # if ($Env:APPVEYOR_REPO_COMMIT_MESSAGE -notmatch ', publish!$') { # Write-Output "No publishing from AppVeyor, to automatically publish, finish commit message with ', publish!'" # exit # } if ($env:OS -notmatch 'Windows') { Write-Output 'Publishing possible only from Windows hosts' exit } # check if this version already exists $ModuleName = 'EC.IntroModule' Write-Verbose "Checking local module $ModuleName manifest" $Manifest = Test-ModuleManifest -Path (Join-Path . "$ModuleName.psd1") -Verbose:$false $LocalVersion = $Manifest.Version.ToString() Write-Verbose " ...local module manifest version $LocalVersion found" try { Write-Verbose "Checking for published module $ModuleName" $RemoteModule = Find-Module $ModuleName -Repository PSGallery -Verbose:$false -ea 0 $RemoteVersion = $RemoteModule.Version.ToString() Write-Verbose " ...remote module version $RemoteVersion found" } catch { Write-Verbose " ...remote module not found" $RemoteVersion = 'not found' } if ($LocalVersion -eq $RemoteVersion) { Write-Warning "Module $ModuleName with version $LocalVersion already exists. Consider bumping version." exit } # we proceed with publish if (!$Env:MyPSGalleryAPIKey) { Write-Warning 'MyPSGalleryAPIKey environment variable is not set. Publishing is not possible.' exit } else { Write-Output "Publishing version $LocalVersion to PSGallery, currently published version is $RemoteVersion" try { Publish-Module -Path . -Repository PSGallery -NuGetApiKey $env:MyPSGalleryAPIKey -ea Stop -Verbose Write-Output "Module successfully published!" } catch { Write-Output "Publishing failed: $_" } } |