function Install-Dynamics365LanguageUpdate { param ( [parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] [string] $MediaDir, [string] $LogFilePath = $null, [ValidateRange(1, 3600)] [int] $LogFilePullIntervalInSeconds = 30, [switch] $LogFilePullToOutput = $False ) $setupFilePath = "$mediaDir\CrmUpdateWrapper.exe"; $fileVersion = ( Get-Command $setupFilePath ).FileVersionInfo.FileVersionRaw; $fileVersionFull = "$($fileVersion.Major).$($fileVersion.Minor).$($fileVersion.Build.ToString("0000")).$($fileVersion.Revision.ToString("0000"))"; Write-Output "$(Get-Date) Version of software to be installed: $fileVersionFull"; Write-Output "Checking the msp file name" $languagePackUpdateMspFile = Get-Item "$mediaDir\Mui_KB???????_amd64_????.msp"; $fileLanguageCode = $languagePackUpdateMspFile.BaseName.Substring(20,4); if ( !$languagePackUpdateMspFile ) { $errorMessage = "The update does not seem to correspond to a language pack"; Write-Output $errorMessage; Throw $errorMessage; } Write-Output "The update seems to correspond to a language pack"; if ( $fileVersionFull.StartsWith( "9." ) ) { $fileResourceNamePrefix = "Dynamics365Server90LanguagePack"; $baseResource = $Dynamics365Resources | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Where-Object { ( $_.Name -like "$( $fileResourceNamePrefix )???" ) -and ( $Dynamics365Resources.( $_.Name ).LanguageCode -eq $fileLanguageCode ) } } if ( $fileVersionFull.StartsWith( "8." ) ) { $fileResourceNamePrefix = "CRM2016LanguagePack"; $baseResource = $Dynamics365Resources | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Where-Object { ( $_.Name -like "$( $fileResourceNamePrefix )???" ) -and ( $Dynamics365Resources.( $_.Name ).LanguageCode -eq $fileLanguageCode ) } } if ( !$baseResource ) { $errorMessage = "Base product for this update is not found in the catalog"; Write-Output $errorMessage; Throw $errorMessage; } $baseResourceName = $baseResource.Name; Write-Output "Base resource installed: $baseResourceName" $currentProductInstalled = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Where-Object { $_.PSChildName -eq "{$( $Dynamics365Resources.( $baseResourceName ).identifyingNumber )}" } if ( !$currentProductInstalled ) { $errorMessage = "Base product for this update is not installed"; Write-Output $errorMessage; Throw $errorMessage; } Write-Output "The following version of the product is currently installed: $( $currentProductInstalled.DisplayVersion )" if ( $currentProductInstalled.DisplayVersion -gt ( Get-Command $setupFilePath ).FileVersionInfo.ProductVersion ) { $errorMessage = "Installed version of the product is higher than the version of the file resource specified"; Write-Output $errorMessage; Throw $errorMessage; } if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($logFilePath) -eq $True) { $timeStamp = ( Get-Date -Format u ).Replace(" ", "-").Replace(":", "-"); $logFilePath = "$env:Temp\DynamicsLanguagePackUpdateInstallationLog_$timeStamp.txt"; } Write-Output "$(Get-Date) Starting $setupFilePath"; $installCrmScript = { param( $setupFilePath, $logFilePath ); Write-Output "Start-Process '$setupFilePath' -ArgumentList '/q /log $logFilePath /norestart' -Wait;"; Start-Process "$setupFilePath" -ArgumentList "/q /log $logFilePath /norestart" -Wait; } $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock $installCrmScript -ArgumentList $setupFilePath, $logFilePath; Write-Output "$(Get-Date) Started installation job, log will be saved in $logFilePath"; $lastLinesCount = 0; While ( $job.State -ne "Completed" ) { Write-Output "$(Get-Date) Waiting until CRM installation job is done, sleeping $logFilePullIntervalInSeconds sec"; Start-Sleep $logFilePullIntervalInSeconds; if (($logFilePullToOutput -eq $True) -and ((Test-Path $logFilePath) -eq $True)) { $linesCount = (Get-Content $logFilePath | Measure-Object -Line).Lines; $newLinesCount = $linesCount - $lastLinesCount; if ($newLinesCount -gt 0) { Write-Output "$(Get-Date) - new logs: $newLinesCount lines"; $lines = Get-Content $logFilePath | Select-Object -First $newLinesCount -Skip $lastLinesCount; foreach ($line in $lines) { Write-Output $line; } } else { Write-Output "$(Get-Date) - no new logs"; } $lastLinesCount = $linesCount; } } Write-Output "$(Get-Date) Job is complete, output:"; Write-Output ( Receive-Job $job ); Remove-Job $job; $currentProductInstalled = Get-ItemProperty HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\* | Where-Object { $_.PSChildName -eq "{$( $Dynamics365Resources.( $baseResourceName ).identifyingNumber )}" } Write-Output "The following version of the product is currently installed: $( $currentProductInstalled.DisplayVersion )"; if ( $currentProductInstalled.DisplayVersion -ne $fileVersionFull ) { $errorMessage = "Installed version of the product is not the same as the version of the file resource specified"; Write-Output $errorMessage; Throw $errorMessage; } } |