[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('DscResource.AnalyzerRules\Measure-ParameterBlockParameterAttribute', '', Scope='Function', Target='*')] param ( $ModuleName, $ModuleBase, $ModuleManifest, $ProjectPath, $SourcePath, $SourceManifest, $Tag, $ExcludeTag, $ExcludeSourceFile, $MainGitBranch ) $isPester5 = (Get-Module -Name Pester).Version -lt '5.0.0' # Only run if _not_ Pester 5. if (-not $isPester5) { return } if (!(Get-Module -Name 'MarkdownLinkCheck' -ListAvailable)) { Write-Warning -Message 'Required module MarkdownLinkCheck not found. Please add to RequiredModules.psd1' return } Describe 'Common Tests - Validate Markdown Links' -Tag 'Common Tests - Validate Markdown Links' { $markdownFileFilter = '*.md' $markdownFiles = @( (Get-ChildItem -Path $ProjectPath -File -Filter $markdownFileFilter) (Get-ChildItem -Path $SourcePath -File -Recurse -Filter $markdownFileFilter | WhereSourceFileNotExcluded) ) foreach ($markdownFile in $markdownFiles) { $contextDescriptiveName = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $markdownFile.Directory -Leaf) ` -ChildPath (Split-Path $markdownFile -Leaf) Context $contextDescriptiveName { It 'Should not contain any broken links' { $getMarkdownLinkParameters = @{ BrokenOnly = $true Path = $markdownFile.FullName } # Make sure it always returns an array even if Get-MarkdownLink returns $null. $brokenLinks = @(Get-MarkdownLink @getMarkdownLinkParameters) if ($brokenLinks.Count -gt 0) { # Write out all the errors so the contributor can resolve. $report = $brokenLinks | Select-Object Line, Text, Url | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | ` Out-String -Width 110 $brokenLinks.Count | Should -Be 0 -Because "broken markdown links:`r`n`r`n $report`r`n `r`n ," } } } } } |