.NOTES To run manually: $pathToHQRMTests = Join-Path -Path (Get-Module DscResource.Test).ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Tests\QA' $container = New-PesterContainer -Path "$pathToHQRMTests/PublishExampleFiles.common.*.Tests.ps1" -Data @{ SourcePath = './source' # ExcludeSourceFile = @('MyExample.ps1') } Invoke-Pester -Container $container -Output Detailed #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSAvoidUsingEmptyCatchBlock', '')] param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $SourcePath, [Parameter()] [System.String[]] $ExcludeSourceFile, [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)] $Args ) # This test _must_ be outside the BeforeDiscovery-block since Pester 4 does not recognizes it. $isPester5 = (Get-Module -Name Pester).Version -ge '5.1.0' # Only run if Pester 5.1. if (-not $isPester5) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Repository is using old Pester version, new HQRM tests for Pester 5 are skipped.' -Verbose return } if (-not $SourcePath) { Write-Verbose -Message 'The Publish Example files tests only apply to Source repository testing.' return } BeforeDiscovery { # Re-imports the private (and public) functions. Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '../../DscResource.Test.psm1') -Force $examplesPath = Join-Path -Path $SourcePath -ChildPath 'Examples' # If there are no Examples folder, exit. if (-not (Test-Path -Path $examplesPath)) { return } $exampleScriptFilesToPublish = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $examplesPath -Filter '*Config.ps1' -Recurse | WhereSourceFileNotExcluded -ExcludeSourceFile $ExcludeSourceFile) $exampleToTest = @() foreach ($exampleFile in $exampleScriptFilesToPublish) { $exampleToTest += @{ ExampleFile = $exampleFile ExampleDescriptiveName = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $exampleFile.Directory -Leaf) -ChildPath (Split-Path $exampleFile -Leaf) } } } BeforeAll { # Re-imports the private (and public) functions. Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath '../../DscResource.Test.psm1') -Force } AfterAll { # Re-import just the public functions. Import-Module -Name 'DscResource.Test' -Force } Describe 'Common Tests - Validate Example Files To Be Published' -Tag 'Common Tests - Validate Example Files To Be Published' { BeforeAll { $exampleScriptFilesToPublish = @(Get-ChildItem -Path $examplesPath -Filter '*Config.ps1' -Recurse | WhereSourceFileNotExcluded -ExcludeSourceFile $ExcludeSourceFile) # Get the GUID's for all the example files. $exampleScriptMetadata = $exampleScriptFilesToPublish | ForEach-Object -Process { <# The cmdlet Test-ScriptFileInfo ignores the parameter ErrorAction and $ErrorActionPreference. Instead a try-catch need to be used to ignore files that does not have the correct metadata. #> try { Test-ScriptFileInfo -Path $_.FullName | Select-Object -Property Name, Guid } catch { # Intentionally left blank. Files with missing metadata will be caught in the tests. } } } Context 'When example ''<ExampleDescriptiveName>'' should be published' -ForEach $exampleToTest { It 'Should pass testing of script file metadata' { { Test-ScriptFileInfo -Path $ExampleFile.FullName } | Should -Not -Throw -Because 'each example that should be published must have a script file info' } It 'Should have the correct naming convention and have the same file name as the configuration name' { Test-ConfigurationName -Path $ExampleFile.FullName | Should -BeTrue -Because 'the configuration name and the file name must be equal except for the ordinal number, and the name must start with a letter, it must end with a letter or a number, and only contain letters, numbers, and underscores (e.g ''ResourceName_ExampleName_Config.ps1'')' } It 'Should not have the script file information metadata GUID duplicated in another example file' { try { $metadataGuid = Test-ScriptFileInfo -Path $ExampleFile.FullName | Select-Object -Property Guid } catch { <# Ignore if the metatdata could not be read, files with missing metadata was caught in the previous test. #> Set-ItResult -Inconclusive -Because 'the example script file information metadata could not be read' } $exampleFilesWithSameGuid = @($exampleScriptMetadata | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.Guid -eq $metadataGuid.Guid }) $report = $exampleFilesWithSameGuid | Format-Table -AutoSize -Wrap | Out-String -Width 110 $exampleFilesWithSameGuid.Count | Should -BeExactly 1 -Because "two example files may not have the same GUID: `r`n`r`n $report`r`n `r`n" } } } |