.NOTES To run manually: $defaultBranch = 'main' $pathToHQRMTests = Join-Path -Path (Get-Module DscResource.Test).ModuleBase -ChildPath 'Tests\QA' $container = New-PesterContainer -Path "$pathToHQRMTests/Changelog.common.*.Tests.ps1" -Data @{ ProjectPath = '.' MainGitBranch = $defaultBranch } Invoke-Pester -Container $container -Output Detailed #> param ( [Parameter()] [System.String] $ProjectPath, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [System.String] $MainGitBranch, [Parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments = $true)] $Args ) # This test _must_ be outside the BeforeDiscovery-block since Pester 4 does not recognizes it. $isPester5 = (Get-Module -Name Pester).Version -ge '5.1.0' # Only run if Pester 5.1. if (-not $isPester5) { Write-Verbose -Message 'Repository is using old Pester version, new HQRM tests for Pester 5 are skipped.' -Verbose return } BeforeDiscovery { if (-not $ProjectPath) { # Invoke-DscResourceTest is only looking at a built module, skipping this test file. Write-Verbose "No Project path set: $ProjectPath. Skipping changelog checks." return } else { Write-Verbose "Pushing location $ProjectPath on Stack ProjectTest" Push-Location -StackName ProjectTest -Path $ProjectPath } } AfterAll { Write-Debug "Poping location on Stack ProjectTest" Pop-Location -StackName ProjectTest } Describe 'Changelog Management' -Tag 'Changelog' { Context 'When there is a git diff' { BeforeAll { $skipTest = -not ( [System.Boolean] (Get-Command -Name 'git' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') ` -and [System.Boolean] (& (Get-Process -Id $PID).Path -NoProfile -Command 'git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>$null') ) } It 'Should have CHANGELOG.md in the diff' -Skip:$skipTest { # Get the list of changed files compared with main $headCommit = & git rev-parse HEAD $mainCommit = & git @('rev-parse', "origin/$MainGitBranch") $filesChanged = & git @('diff', "$mainCommit...$headCommit", '--name-only') if ($headCommit -ne $mainCommit) { # if we're not testing same commit (i.e. main..main) $filesChanged.Where{ (Split-Path -Path $_ -Leaf) -match '^changelog.md' } | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -Because 'the changelog should have at least one entry for every pull request' } } } Context 'When there is an CHANGELOG.md' { BeforeAll { $skipTest = -not [System.Boolean] (Get-Command -Name 'git' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue') ` -or -not (Import-Module -Name ChangelogManagement -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' -PassThru) $pathToChangeLog = Join-Path -Path $ProjectPath -ChildPath 'CHANGELOG.md' } It 'Should have the change log entries compliant with keepachangelog format' -Skip:$skipTest { { Get-ChangelogData -Path $pathToChangeLog -ErrorAction 'Stop' } | Should -Not -Throw } It 'Should have an Unreleased header in the CHANGELOG.md' -Skip:$skipTest { (Get-ChangelogData -Path $pathToChangeLog -ErrorAction 'Stop').Unreleased.RawData | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } } } |