New-UDPage -Name "Home" -Icon home -Content { New-DscDashboardCustomHeader -Text "Home" -icon 'home' New-UDRow { New-UDColumn -Size 12 { New-UDLayout -Columns 3 -Content { #region Node Compliancy New-UDChart -Title "Node Compliancy" -Type Doughnut -RefreshInterval 60 -Endpoint { $result = $Cache:AllNodes | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Compliancy | Group-Object -Property text | Sort-Object name # Build the legend using appropriate colors $colors = @() $result | ForEach-Object { switch ($_.Name) { 'Compliant' { $colors += 'green' break } 'Not Compliant' { $colors += 'orange' break } 'Error' { $colors += 'red' break } 'No Contact' { $colors += 'gray' break } } } $result | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name" -DatasetLabel "Node Compliancy" -BackgroundColor $colors } -Options $legendOptions #-Links $nodesLink #endregion #region Resource Compliancy New-UDChart -Title "Resource Compliancy" -Type Doughnut -RefreshInterval 60 -Endpoint { $result = $Cache:AllNodes #| select -ExpandProperty Compliancy | Group-Object -Property text | Sort-Object name # Build the legend using appropriate colors $colors = @('green','orange') $data = @( [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = 'Compliant' 'Count' = 0 } [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Name' = 'Not Compliant' 'Count' = 0 } ) $result | ForEach-Object { $data[0].Count += $_.ResourcesInDesiredState $data[1].Count += $_.ResourcesNotInDesiredState } $data | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name" -DatasetLabel "Resource Compliancy" -BackgroundColor $colors } -Options $legendOptions #-Links $nodesLink #endregion #region Reboot Requested New-UDChart -Title "Reboot Requested" -Type Doughnut -RefreshInterval 60 -Endpoint { $colors = @('green','red') $result = $Cache:AllNodes | Select-Object -Property RebootRequested | Group-Object -Property RebootRequested | Select-Object count,name | Sort-Object name #inverse colors if the first item is true #if ($result[0].name) { # if ($result[0].name -eq $true) { # $colors = @('red','green') # } #} $result | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name" -DatasetLabel "Node Compliancy" -BackgroundColor $colors } -Options $legendOptions #-Links $nodesLink #endregion #region OS Version New-UDChart -Title "OS Version" -Type Doughnut -RefreshInterval 5 -Endpoint { $colors = @('#BF9BCF','#0066CC','#F5E44C','#B2F2EC','#FDCCC6','#CCE0F4',"#D6B77C","#9FC9D4" ,"#CCCCCC","#32389F") $result = $Cache:AllNodes | Select-Object -Property OS | Group-Object -Property OS | Select-Object count,name | Sort-Object name $result | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name" -DatasetLabel "Node Compliancy" -BackgroundColor $colors } -Options $legendOptions #-Links $nodesLink #endregion #region PowerShell Version New-UDChart -Title "PowerShell Version" -Type Doughnut -RefreshInterval 60 -Endpoint { $colors = @('#CCE0F4',"#D6B77C","#9FC9D4" ,"#CCCCCC","#32389F", '#BF9BCF','#0066CC','#F5E44C','#B2F2EC','#FDCCC6') $result = $Cache:AllNodes | Select-Object -Property PSVersion | Group-Object -Property PSVersion | Select-Object count,name | Sort-Object name $result | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name" -DatasetLabel "Node Compliancy" -BackgroundColor $colors } -Options $legendOptions #-Links $nodesLink #endregion #region LCM Refresh Mode New-UDChart -Title "LCM Refresh Mode" -Type Doughnut -RefreshInterval 60 -Endpoint { $colors = @('green','red') $result = $Cache:AllNodes | Select-Object -Property Mode | Group-Object -Property Mode | Select-Object count,name | Sort-Object name $result | Out-UDChartData -DataProperty "Count" -LabelProperty "Name" -DatasetLabel "Refresh Mode" -BackgroundColor $colors } -Options $legendOptions #-Links $nodesLink #endregion } } } } |