Import-Module $(Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'DscBaseline.helper.psm1') Function Get-DscBaselineServices { <# .SYNOPSIS Generates a Service configuration for DSC based on the local system. .EXAMPLE Get-DscBaselineServices .EXAMPLE Get-DscBaselineServices -FilePath D:\SomeFolder\ #> [OutputType([System.String])] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateScript({Test-Path -Path $_ -PathType Container})] [String] # Folder to save new .ps1 file $Folder = (Get-Location).Path , [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateRange(20,300)] [Int] # Description text width $Width = 100 ) [string[]] $dscConfig = @() $destFile = Join-Path -Path $Folder -ChildPath 'DscBaselineServices.ps1' $dscConfig += 'Configuration DscBaselineServices' $dscConfig += '{' $dscConfig += " # Generated: $(Get-Date) on $($env:COMPUTERNAME)" $dscConfig += ' # ref:' $dscConfig += '' $dscConfig += ' Import-DscResource -Module PSDscResources -Name Service' $dscConfig += '' $dscConfig += ' Node localhost' $dscConfig += ' {' $services = Get-WmiObject Win32_Service | Sort-Object Name foreach($service in $services) { $serviceDscName = Convertto-DscConfigurationName -InputObj $($service.Name) $serviceDescription = $service.Description $serviceState = 'Ignore' $serviceStart = $service.StartMode if($serviceStart -eq 'Auto') { $serviceStart = 'Automatic' } # ServiceState should only be Stopped when StartMode=Disabled # since not all services continuously run. if($serviceStart -eq 'Disabled') { $serviceState = 'Stopped' } # Format service description width if($serviceDescription.Length -gt $Width) { $descriptionIndent = ' ' $serviceDescription = '' $wordArray = $service.Description.Split(' ') $spaceLeft = $Width foreach($word in $wordArray) { if($($word.Length + 1) -gt $spaceLeft) { $serviceDescription += "`n$($descriptionIndent)$($word) " $spaceLeft = $Width - $($word.Length + 1) } else { $serviceDescription += "$word " $spaceLeft -= $($word.Length + 1) } } } $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT)Service $($serviceDscName)" $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT){" $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT) <#" $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT) DisplayName = $($service.DisplayName)" $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT) Description = $($serviceDescription)" $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT) Path = $($service.PathName)" $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT) ServiceType = $($service.ServiceType)" $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT) Account = $($service.StartName)" $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT) #>" $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT) Name = '$($service.Name)'" $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT) StartupType = '$($serviceStart)'" $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT) State = '$($serviceState)'" $dscConfig += "$($global:CONFIG_INDENT)}" } $dscConfig += ' }' $dscConfig += '}' $dscConfig += '' $dscConfig += ". DscBaselineServices -OutputPath $(Join-Path $Folder -ChildPath 'DscBaselineServices') -Verbose" $dscConfig += '' Out-File -FilePath $destFile -InputObject $dscConfig -Encoding ASCII -Force return $destFile } # End Function Get-DscBaselineServices Export-ModuleMember -Function 'Get-DscBaselineServices' |