function Disable-DracoonAutoRest { <# .SYNOPSIS Disables the auto created functions *-DracoonAR*. .DESCRIPTION This module does provide functions for all endpoints. Those are created by the AutoRest module. .PARAMETER SaveSetting Should the setting be saved as default for the current user? .EXAMPLE Disable-DracoonAutoRest Import-Module Dracoon -Force Disables the AutoRest functions. .NOTES All the AutoRest functions -are provided as-is -are no supported -are not tested or monitored by the pester tests #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [switch]$SaveSetting ) $config=Set-PSFConfig -Module 'Dracoon' -Name 'enableAutoRest' -Value $false -PassThru Write-PSFMessage -Level Host "AutoRest-Functions enabled, please Re-Import the Dracoon Module with the '-Force' option" if ($SaveSetting) { $config| Register-PSFConfig -Scope UserDefault }else{ Write-PSFMessage -Level Host "The functions are only disabled for this session. Use the '-SaveSetting' option if it should be the default for the current User." } } |