Register-PSFTeppScriptblock -Name "Dracoon.filter" -ScriptBlock { try { # Get inline help of configured command $help = get-help $commandName # Get help for the parameter -Filter $parameterHelp = $Help.parameters.parameter | Where-Object Name -EQ 'Filter' $filterDescription = $parameterHelp.Description.Text # Extract filter examples, format: # 'attribute:operator:[possible Values]' $pattern = "'(\w*?):\[?([\w, \/]*?)\]?:\[?([\w, \/]*?)\]?',?" $results = $filterDescription | Select-String $pattern -AllMatches foreach ($match in $results.Matches) { $attribute = $match.Groups[1] # Inline help may provide multiple operators, divided by '/' $operators = $match.Groups[2] -split '/' # Inline help may provide multiple value examples, divided by '/' $valueExamples = $match.Groups[3] -split '/' foreach ($operator in $operators) { foreach ($value in $valueExamples) { "'$($attribute):$($operator):$($value)'" } } } } catch { Write-PSFMessage -Level Debug "Could not load filter information from Get-Help $commandName" } } |