function Search-DracoonNode { <# .SYNOPSIS Provides a flat list of file system nodes (rooms, folders or files) of a given parent that are accessible by the current user. API-GET /v4/nodes/search .DESCRIPTION Provides a flat list of file system nodes (rooms, folders or files) of a given parent that are accessible by the current user. .PARAMETER Connection Object of Class , stores the authentication Token and the API Base-URL .PARAMETER Filter All filter fields are connected via logical conjunction (AND) Filter string syntax: FIELD_NAME:OPERATOR:VALUE[:VALUE...] Example: type:eq:file|createdAt:ge:2015-01-01 Get nodes where type equals file AND file creation date is >= 2015-01-01. Possible combinations: 'type:[eq]:[room/folder/file]' 'fileType:[cn/eq]:[search String]' 'classification:[eq]:[1 - public/2 - internal/3 - confidential/4 - strictly confidential]' 'createdBy:[cn/eq]:[search String]' 'createdAt:[ge/le]:[Date (yyyy-MM-dd)]' 'updatedBy:[cn/eq]:[search String]' 'updatedAt:[ge/le]:[Date (yyyy-MM-dd)]' 'expireAt:[ge/le]:[Date (yyyy-MM-dd)]' 'size:[ge/le]:[size in bytes]' 'isFavorite:[eq]:[true or false]' 'branchVersion:[ge/le]:[version number]' 'parentPath:[cn/eq]:[search String]' .PARAMETER Limit Range limit. Maximum 500. For more results please use paging (offset + limit). .PARAMETER Offset Range offset .PARAMETER Sort Sort string syntax: FIELD_NAME:ORDER ORDER can be asc or desc. Multiple sort fields are NOT supported. Nodes are sorted by type first, then by sent sort string. Example: name:desc .PARAMETER ParentID Parent node ID. Only rooms and folders can be parents. Parent ID 0 or empty is the root node. .PARAMETER DepthLevel 0 - top level nodes only (default) -1 - full tree n (any positive number) - include n levels starting from the current node .PARAMETER SearchString String to be searched in the NodeName .EXAMPLE To be added in the Future .NOTES General notes #> param ( [parameter(Mandatory)] $Connection, [PSFramework.TabExpansion.PsfArgumentCompleterAttribute("Dracoon.filter")] [string]$Filter, [int]$Limit=500, [int]$Offset=0, [string]$Sort, [int]$ParentID = 0, [int]$DepthLevel = 0, [parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$SearchString ) $apiCallParameter = @{ Connection = $Connection method = "Get" Path ="/v4/nodes/search" EnablePaging = $true UrlParameter = @{ filter=$Filter limit=$Limit sort=$Sort offset=$offset depth_level=$DepthLevel parent_id=$ParentID room_manager=$RoomManager search_string = $SearchString } # EnablePaging=$true } $result = Invoke-DracoonAPI @apiCallParameter $result } |